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Search results

  1. Looking for one ticket to USC

    I am looking for one ticket to the game saturday, doesn't matter where the seat is (except the place where you have to watch half the game on TV) C deck is fine or south stands or wherever. PM me.
  2. '10 FL S Matt Elam (Florida Verbal)

    There is a slim chance, someone on TOS wrote the Elam is moving to Ohio. If thats true our chances just went way up.
  3. SF/PF J.D. Weatherspoon (transfer to Toledo)

    JD has been offered by OSU per Bucknuts
  4. Spring Practice Tidbits

    Way too many injuries
  5. Lamarcus Joyner (DB New York Jets)

    I went in 2003 and they were good then and about 1,000 people came
  6. Tajh Boyd (official thread)

    taj was seen in an osu hat!:osu:
  7. Tajh Boyd (official thread)

    No Worries on Boyd because he =:osu2:
  8. DE/LB Thaddeus Gibson (official thread)

    OHIO STATE REPLICA NIKE FB JERSEY | Jerseys | Ohio State Buckeye Store - Ohio State University Official Gear Shop - Apparel & Merchandise | Powered by CollegeGear.com
  9. Tajh Boyd (official thread)

    Tajh Boyd Buzznut - Bucknuts Forum Sorry about that.
  10. Tajh Boyd (official thread)

    Another trusted site is reporting that Taj will most likely end up a buckeye!
  11. WR Terrelle Pryor ('10 Rose, '11 Sugar MVP)

    There is, LBJ made one back when OSU was in the final four in 2006. There may still be some left on College Traditions web site.