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  • Lion, we have an active discussion going about the front page and community-driven content. Want in? Either way, hope all is well with you. We have a good season ahead of us.
    Need some advice:

    Markice Pouncey, OG, Fla
    1st rd talent - wash desperately needs ol help. LT is a bigger need but few options here. A great interior lineman would help their aging line.


    Shaun Cody, NT, Bama
    Washington just signed a 4 year starter NT that is rarely healthy.

    They're switching to a 4-3 and Albert belongs at de.

    If the new signed dt is healthy they have a great front 3, with a great rush olb in orakpo and a better version of gholston opposite him in Carter. Mcintosh is a nice piece in the middle. We need another mlb though.

    Cody is a monster, but only plays 40% of snaps, and Washington might have a nt via free agency, with a big IF about his health.

    My heart likes Cody, my head likes pouncey.

    Any feedback?
    We started a new thread at the exact same time Cleveland Browns (2010 Season). Please merge one of those. Sorry for the inconvenience.
    Still in progress. Thoughts so far?

    I'm probably going to modify the bottom defender, with his arms out holding birds like the game.

    Need some feedback:

    1) The real duck hunt has a tree on the left, and I thought about a palm tree but thought it would clutter it a bit.

    2) Would an 8-bit rose bowl entrance in the background work, or ruin the 'duck hunt on field' feel, since you can't be on the field and see the entrance? Am I just being too picky with that misgiving?

    3) The two Os don't work together, do they? I love how each looks individually, but not together.
    p.s. Does this work for Iowa? I know they're hawks not ducks, but I thought it would be fun anyway.

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