NastyDogg72;1036344; said:
1. Desmond Howard - If the damn "Heisman" pose wasn't enough to do it, when that son of a bitching traitor sang his putrid fight song with that fuckwad Nick Lachey ON the 'Shoe before the Texas game in 2005 I swore to myself that I would hate that dickhead for every moment of every day for the rest of my life. It pains me that we were born in the same state. FUCK YOU Desmond.
scUM hasn't beaten the Bucks since that stunt though. They won't beat us next year either, that's seems like a virtual given at this point.
Maybe karma has something to do with it. Hopefully, Desmond bought UM seven years of bad luck by singing that song in that situation. Sort of like when you break a mirror or something like that.
I have hated Lllllloyd for a while because of who he worked for and what he represented and the way he always whined to the refs all the time, but I experienced something strange while watching the Capital One Bowl yesterday. I found myself very moved and genuinely happy for Lloyd Carr at the end of the game when he got drenched by the water and then when his players lifted him up on their shoulders to carry him to midfield to meet Meyer. Anyway, I don't hate Lloyd Carr anymore. I'll save that hate for their new Dickrod.
It's hard for me not to hate Woodson being that he's from my hometown and he pretty much singlehandedly cost my Buckeyes multiple National Championships in the 90's. If it wasn't for Woodson (and Michigan State in 98) Cooper may have lasted even longer than he did (2 or 3 NC's would have done that) and there might not have been a Tressel hiring in 2001. I'm torn!
Someone else mentioned Rob Lytle has one of their most hated Wolverines. I'm pretty sure that Woody himself wouldn't have seen Lytle that way so he's ok in my book. There are stories about Woody and Lytle that if true, go to show that Woody had ALOT of respect for Rob.
Also, Rob Lytle along with Bob Brudzinski used to play with my mom and dad as kids so Rob can't be all that bad.
What are the odds that Mike Hart won't last 3 years in the NFL? Ok I still hate him.
Chad Henne? Great song!!!
Fuck Michigan
Go Buckeyes!!!!!