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Yahoo, Tattoos, and tOSU (1-year bowl ban, 82 scholly limit for 3 years)

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BB73;2068682; said:
Also, prepaid cell phones for all players and coaches, so numbers and whereabouts can't be tracked. And any booster should use cash, never a check. And wear gloves when giving the $100 handshakes, so no fingerprints are on the money.

And can the University do something legally, similar to the BS that Penn State invokes, in order to not be treated as a state institution and be thus be exempt from FOIA requests?

Ohio State sucks at cheating. :tongue2:

Don't forget no more self-reporting. Do what Auburn did and essentially dare the NCAA to find anything.
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BuckeyeMike80;2068686; said:
Don't forget no more self-reporting. Do what Auburn did and essentially dare the NCAA to find anything.

Meh... they're (Auburn) ok until the FBI gets done with their case, remember they have hours of wiretaps... the barn might be razed to the ground.
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NFBuck;2068665; said:
Stop it.

Major rules were broken, we are being punished for them. Accept it and move on. This really isn't as big a deal as everybody is making it out to be. Sucks for next year's Seniors, but sometimes, you have to pay for other people's [censored]ups. That's the world we live in. I'm sure you're outraged for the USC kids that are paying for Reggie Bush and Todd McNair as well...
None of this commentary addresses my primary point: it's hard to take edicts seriously when the regulating body is as corrupt, self-serving and adverse to the interests of the athletes as the NCAA.

I understand that it's in Ohio State's best interest to abide by the rules of this confederacy of slimeballs. But don't kid yourself - our being saddled with this punishment has everything to do with public relations for the NCAA and nothing to do with "cleaning up the system."
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Buckeye513;2068673; said:

"The lesson? Anonymous private proxy email accounts, y'all." --Jim "[email protected]" Tressel, 12/20/2011
Also on EDSBS: "Exclusive footage of Urban Meyer at NCAA Headquarters in Indianapolis"


Buckeye513;2068690; said:
We're like those guys who robbed a store, pocket-dialed 911, and described the getaway vehicle. Just makes me hate Nick Saban even more.
FTW (though you should have Gene S, wearing a mask, without eye-holes, bumping into the doors, on the way in, and on the way out).
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MaxBuck;2068697; said:
None of this commentary addresses my primary point: it's hard to take edicts seriously when the regulating body is as corrupt, self-serving and adverse to the interests of the athletes as the NCAA.

I understand that it's in Ohio State's best interest to abide by the rules of this confederacy of slimeballs. But don't kid yourself - our being saddled with this punishment has everything to do with public relations for the NCAA and nothing to do with "cleaning up the system."
Is the ncaa a joke in my opinion? Absolutely. Has been for years. My point is, I don't think we're being unjustly hammered. Given what happened, that we were already on "probation" (hence the repeat offender tag), and that more issues sprung up during the investigation...a one year post season ban and a few schollies tacked on doesn't seem extreme. But, that's just my opinion. I think all the outrage about the punishment is silly. We absolutely should be [censored]ed at Gene-o for foolishly thinking it wasn't going to happen. Maybe that's our own fault for believing that clown.
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For those who keep saying,"finally we have closure" and "forget it and move on":

Seriously? This entire year we have listened to countless reports of OSU getting buried by the media. Sure, rules were broken, there is no denying that, but consider some of the other schools that have been involved in rules violations. When it comes down to it, we are still dealing w/ a few isolated incodents w/ a few people involved (coach lying, tatoos, $ for work not completed, getting paid for charity event), not quite as bad as some of the more alarming thingd that are going on in college sports. How this Miami, Oregon and SC stuff just got swept under the covers I still don't understand.

Cases need to be handled on an individual basis by the NCAA but prior presedent needs to taken into consideration before making a decision of this magnitude, not the NCAA just dishing out some arbitrary punishment that does not fit the crime. This whole saga has been about the NCAA flexing its muscle and showing everyone that OSU is not going to dictate their own punishment. I agree w/ most, whatever we self-imposed, the NCAA was going to tac on a little more, so what was the point?

A season has been vacated, Bowl win vacated, Hall of Fame Coach fired, Pryor gone, our 6-6 record this year was a direct result of this fiasco, no Bowl game next year either.....and "you" say is over. It isn't over. There still isn't closure. We still are going to sweat through the last 2 months of the recruiting season, We still have to listen to the talking-heads everytime I turn on a Bucks game next yr and we still have another year of watching our Bucks w/ no Big 10 or post-season possibilities.

All everyone wants is closure and the NCAA had a chance to do that by increasing the amount of schollie reductions or by making a ruling 3 wks ago and keeping us from participating in a bowl this year if they thought a Bowl ban was warranted. Yet they didn't, and chose to keep this saga going for another yr.

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mendensa;2068725; said:
When it comes down to it, we are still dealing w/ a few isolated incodents w/ a few people involved (coach lying, tatoos, $ for work not completed, getting paid for charity event
Disassociate that with tOSU and imagine you just typed that about scUM or Ped State. It's pretty damn bad. We were also already on "probation" and then more crap came up during the investigation. A coach covered to keep his players eligible an entire season. Then lied about it. A known problem booster was allowed close to the program. Then there was the other stuff that happened while those infractions were being investigated. There was a system failure in the tOSU administration. Bottom line. Can we stop acting like this is just about some tattoos? It looks ridiculous. A one year bowl ban and a few more scholarships isn't a very big deal in the grand scheme of things.
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:rofl: :slappy:

EX-trojan blast unfairness and doublestandards in the NCAA sanction process

let me sum it up..

what happened at OSU was 10x worse than U$C

another gem

The definition of lack of institutional control is when your head coach is covering stuff up to facilitate guys being able to play

Good to know he knows how to use a dictionary, I see his point, but football is just part of the institution, and he forgets how the LOIC came about in their case because basketball and other sports..

Denial its still the best state of mind
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NFBuck;2068721; said:
I don't think we're being unjustly hammered.
And I don't know how you can say that.

1. Tressel gets 5 years show-cause, while Bruce Pearl gets only 3 years.

2. No LOIC determination, yet we get a bowl ban. This is nearly unprecedented.

3. The compliance office was actually found by the NCAA to have acted pretty appropriately and to have cooperated fully. This is supposed to be a mitigating factor, but clearly it was not.

We've been made into the National Scapegoat for the NCAA.
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Bucknut24;2068234; said:
I have a feeling all those recruits that we just got over the past 2 weeks....will no longer be OSU verbals

If a one year bowl ban changes a commit's mind he wasn't very committed in the first place. The ones who really want to be Buckeyes and play for Urban will still come to tOSU.
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