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Yahoo BP College Pickem League

Standings after Week 10 & Correct Number of Picks

1 Nuts 108
2 brodybuck21 107
3 MD Buckeye 97
4 Cleve 96
4 BB73 96
4 CentFlaBuckeye 96
8 msj2487 94
8 The S&G Dynasty 94
10 (o) IoI /o\ (o) 93
10 helmdoggie 93
12 BK 92
12 NCBuckIGuy 92
14 Petunia 89
15 Bob Saccamano 88
15 Erlanrant 88
17 Beanieforheisman 87
18 Snappy_Jay 86
19 buckeyemania11 85
20 starBUCKS 84
21 IBI 83
21 Lou270slant 83
21 chance1376 83
24 Litlbuck 78
25 IamBrutus 77
26 JulieC 67
27 buck1973 64
28 sepia5 62
29 BigNutz 59
30 HundedLane 54
31 buckeyemike80 52
32 jenkinswoody 50
33 Darth Buckeye 47
34 Scooter1369 42
35 PicktownBuck07 40
36 Neil Patrick Harris 37
37 JmwGoBucks 36
38 Shetuck 35
39 jlb1705 34
40 Worm02 33
41 Horticullybuck 29
42 DontHateOState 28
43 Wingate1217 24
44 Bucknut24 23
45 Orko 17
46 UpNorth_Buckeye 16
47 DA-Bucks 14
47 DaddyBigBucks 14
47 Nothing Special 14
Upvote 0
Standings after Week 11 & Correct # of Picks

1 Nuts 119
2 brodybuck21 115
3 MD Buckeye 108
4 CentFlaBuckeye 105
4 The S&G Dynasty 105
6 msj2487 103
6 helmdoggie 103
8 BB73 102
10 Erlanrant 101
10 (o) IoI /o\ (o) 101
12 BK 100
12 Bob Saccamano 100
14 Cleve 96
14 Petunia 96
14 buckeyemania11 96
17 Beanieforheisman 95
18 Snappy_Jay 94
19 starBUCKS 93
20 NCBuckIGuy 92
21 IBI 90
22 Litlbuck 88
23 Lou270slant 83
23 chance1376 83
25 IamBrutus 77
26 JulieC 75
27 buck1973 64
28 sepia5 62
29 BigNutz 59
30 HundedLane 54
31 buckeyemike80 52
32 jenkinswoody 50
33 Darth Buckeye 47
34 Scooter1369 42
35 PicktownBuck07 40
36 Neil Patrick Harris 37
37 JmwGoBucks 36
38 Shetuck 35
39 jlb1705 34
40 Worm02 33
41 Horticullybuck 29
42 DontHateOState 28
43 Wingate1217 24
44 Bucknut24 23
45 Orko 17
46 UpNorth_Buckeye 16
47 DA-Bucks 14
47 DaddyBigBucks 14
47 Nothing Special 14
Upvote 0
Standings After Week 12 & Correct Number of Picks

1 Nuts 131
2 brodybuck21 125
3 MD Buckeye 117
4 The S&G Dynasty 116
5 CentFlaBuckeye 114
6 (o) IoI /o\ (o) 113
6 msj2487 113
9 helmdoggie 110
10 Bob Saccamano 109
10 BK 109
12 BB73 108
13 Petunia 106
14 NCBuckIGuy 103
15 Beanieforheisman 102
15 buckeyemania11 102
17 Erlanrant 101
17 starBUCKS 101
19 IBI 98
20 Litlbuck 97
21 Cleve 96
22 Snappy_Jay 94
23 Lou270slant 92
24 JulieC 85
25 chance1376 83
26 IamBrutus 77
27 buck1973 64
28 sepia5 62
29 BigNutz 59
30 HundedLane 54
31 buckeyemike80 52
32 jenkinswoody 50
33 Darth Buckeye 47
34 Scooter1369 42
35 PicktownBuck07 40
36 Neil Patrick Harris 37
37 JmwGoBucks 36
38 Shetuck 35
39 jlb1705 34
40 Worm02 33
41 Horticullybuck 29
42 DontHateOState 28
43 Wingate1217 24
44 Bucknut24 23
45 Orko 17
46 UpNorth_Buckeye 16
47 DA-Bucks 14
47 DaddyBigBucks 14
47 Nothing Special 14
Upvote 0
Standings After Week 13 & Number of Correct Picks

1 Nuts 139
2 brodybuck21 131
3 MD Buckeye 124
4 The S&G Dynasty 122
5 msj2487 121
7 Bob Saccamano 116
8 BK 115
9 CentFlaBuckeye 114
10 helmdoggie 113
10 (o) IoI /o\ (o) 113
10 Petunia 113
10 BB73 113
14 NCBuckIGuy 111
15 Beanieforheisman 109
16 IBI 107
16 buckeyemania11 107
18 starBUCKS 106
19 Litlbuck 102
20 Lou270slant 101
20 Erlanrant 101
22 Cleve 96
23 Snappy_Jay 94
24 JulieC 85
25 chance1376 83
26 IamBrutus 77
27 buck1973 64
28 sepia5 62
29 BigNutz 59
30 HundedLane 54
31 buckeyemike80 52
32 jenkinswoody 50
33 Darth Buckeye 47
34 Scooter1369 42
35 PicktownBuck07 40
36 Neil Patrick Harris 37
37 JmwGoBucks 36
38 Shetuck 35
39 jlb1705 34
40 Worm02 33
41 Horticullybuck 29
42 DontHateOState 28
43 Wingate1217 24
44 Bucknut24 23
45 Orko 17
46 UpNorth_Buckeye 16
47 DA-Bucks 14
47 DaddyBigBucks 14
47 Nothing Special 14
Upvote 0
Standings After Week 14 & Correct # of picks

1 Nuts 145
2 brodybuck21 136
3 MD Buckeye 130
4 The S&G Dynasty 129
5 msj2487 127
7 Bob Saccamano 123
8 BB73 121
9 helmdoggie 120
10 NCBuckIGuy 117
11 BK 115
11 Beanieforheisman 115
13 IBI 114
13 CentFlaBuckeye 114
15 Petunia 113
15 (o) IoI /o\ (o) 113
17 starBUCKS 111
17 buckeyemania11 111
19 Litlbuck 110
20 Lou270slant 108
21 Erlanrant 101
22 Cleve 96
23 Snappy_Jay 94
24 JulieC 85
25 chance1376 83
26 IamBrutus 77
27 buck1973 64
28 sepia5 62
29 BigNutz 59
30 HundedLane 54
31 buckeyemike80 52
32 jenkinswoody 50
33 Darth Buckeye 47
34 Scooter1369 42
35 PicktownBuck07 40
36 Neil Patrick Harris 37
37 JmwGoBucks 36
38 Shetuck 35
39 jlb1705 34
40 Worm02 33
41 Horticullybuck 29
42 DontHateOState 28
43 Wingate1217 24
44 Bucknut24 23
45 Orko 17
46 UpNorth_Buckeye 16
47 DA-Bucks 14
47 DaddyBigBucks 14
47 Nothing Special 14
Upvote 0
Final Standings & Correct # of Picks

1 Nuts 148
2 brodybuck21 136
3 MD Buckeye 133
3 The S&G Dynasty 133
5 msj2487 131
7 Bob Saccamano 125
8 helmdoggie 124
9 BB73 122
10 Beanieforheisman 119
10 IBI 119
12 BK 118
13 NCBuckIGuy 117
14 buckeyemania11 114
14 CentFlaBuckeye 114
16 Petunia 113
16 (o) IoI /o\ (o) 113
18 Lou270slant 112
19 starBUCKS 111
20 Litlbuck 110
21 Erlanrant 101
22 Cleve 96
23 Snappy_Jay 94
24 JulieC 85
25 chance1376 83
26 IamBrutus 77
27 buck1973 64
28 sepia5 62
29 BigNutz 59
30 HundedLane 54
31 buckeyemike80 52
32 jenkinswoody 50
33 Darth Buckeye 47
34 Scooter1369 42
35 PicktownBuck07 40
36 Neil Patrick Harris 37
37 JmwGoBucks 36
38 Shetuck 35
39 jlb1705 34
40 Worm02 33
41 Horticullybuck 29
42 DontHateOState 28
43 Wingate1217 24
44 Bucknut24 23
45 Orko 17
46 UpNorth_Buckeye 16
47 DA-Bucks 14
47 DaddyBigBucks 14
47 Nothing Special 14

Congrats Nuts
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