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WR Terrelle Pryor ('10 Rose, '11 Sugar MVP)

Tebow's eye black never bothered me. TP's Vick support was much more over the top and immature.
So, I think it was more the Mike Vick thang that was controversial. And we are talking about kids, here.
So the NCAA was probably correct in it's action.
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TheRob8801;1691650; said:
I didn't know there was any controversy surrounding Tebow's scripture references.

Was somebody against it? Did someone say it was causing a problem? I must have missed that amidst the swooning...

I also didn't know that Tebow's eye black was TP's inspiration for the Mike Vick eye black. I just figured that since it was something players have been doing for years, TP decided to, as he said, "make a statement"...and in regards to TP's statements about Mike Vick...everyone knew what he meant, but of course when you get a sound byte like that you gotta run with it...I don't even count that one against him, he was chatting about a very controversial subject...it's always difficult to be entirely precise in those extemporaneous types of interviews...

We split off talk about it in December to the Open Forum, since much of it was related to religion rather than football. It's a 10-page thread.

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Taosman;1691860; said:
TP's Vick support was much more over the top and immature.

Really? I'd say that's pretty damn harsh. I doubt Terrelle would have expected the backlash. He said he looks up to Vick, I'm assuming that means mainly as a QB. - I'd say its rather human to feel some compassion and/or sympathy for a man you hold in high regard trying to get his life in order.

I for one thought it was a pretty nice gesture on TP's behalf. He could have very well left it out with nobody noticing; but I'm sure Michael had to have heard about the eye black and felt pretty good about the support.

To do this day I'm not seeing the issue here. If you don't like the man then that's your business, but if somebody else differs from your point of view, don't make a big damn deal over it. Sadly many (mainly the media) did just that.
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Tressel Not Concerned with Pryor Struggles

Wideout DeVier Posey came close to hauling in the lone offensive touchdown for the Buckeyes on a perfectly placed deep ball from Pryor but could not pull it down in the end zone between corner Donnie Evege and safety Orhian Johnson.

With the defense hounding him all morning, Pryor finished the game just 5-of-16 passing, unofficially, for 45 yards. Part of that was the cold weather, part of it was dropped passes and bad protection, but a big portion of it was just bad passing by the junior signal caller who was wearing a black no-contact jersey.

It?s become abundantly clear that Pryor hates wearing the black jersey, and seems to struggle when he is confined to being a pocket passer at the mercy of his offensive tackles. For that reason, Tressel doesn?t expect to get an accurate reading on Pryor?s progress from this type of setting.

?You don?t. That?s going to be the reality that a quarterback, mobile or not, if you don?t let him play the game you?re not going to have a real evaluation so you evaluate the things you can,? Tressel said.

In fact, Tressel is taking a similar approach when it comes to evaluating the performance of the entire offense from Saturday?s jersey scrimmage.

?Until you get into a game where everything is game-like instead of some things being game-like you just evaluate things play by play,? he said.

The-Ozone, Ohio State Football, Wrestling, Softball, Basketball, Hockey, Baseball and More
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Gatorubet;1691924; said:
We can't we all stay on topic like we could back then?

I thought about going to read that thread...but I can only imagine what a thread about religion would be like on this board. Too many "agree with me or jump off a cliff" attitudes...

"I felt like last year I still was going through the motions. I was just trying to please people," he said. "People were saying that I couldn't play quarterback. But that's not the case. I think I was trying to prove too many people wrong, standing in the pocket, doing what I don't do. But now I feel ... so much more comfortable."

Oh my goodness, hearing that makes me feel SO much better about this year. One of my biggest questions about TP was what exactly caused him to make those bad decisions in the pocket that he made every now and again...knowing that he's out there to play QB and ONLY play QB makes a huge difference...
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just noticed something.....my new avatar picture, "CLASS" just above pryor's head......SWEET!

n8butch;1690230; said:
Just to give my 2 cents here...i do not know pryor, i did however meet him in the weight room of the WHAC this past saturday....i was amazed at how accommodating he was to me and my friends, he took time to take a picture with me and sign a few items, very polite and before i could even ask him anything, he asked for my name, then during our conversation actually used my name...being a coach myself and being around young men all the time, i will tell you that most would not even remember your name or even have the respect to use your first name. i was impressed with him....i know things may have been different had i not been a guest at the WHAC during our interaction...just from a brief encounter with him i would say he was a very respectful young man...that being said, he does have some tremendous pressure on him to take the buckeyes to the promise land, with that pressure who wouldn't get a little chippy at times and maybe go out of character and do or say something stupid...i give him a pass on "rumors"....
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Buckeneye;1691919; said:
To do this day I'm not seeing the issue here. If you don't like the man then that's your business, but if somebody else differs from your point of view, don't make a big damn deal over it. Sadly many (mainly the media) did just that.

I don't like this rule one bit.

I get a lot of enjoyment out of seeing what players care enough about to advertise. After all, these eye black messages are basically just miniature billboards. If you get face time, your ad gets seen. Personally, I took no offense to Tebow's scriptural references or even TP's shout out to Mike Vick.

The more the NCAA strips personal expression from the game, the less enjoyment I think fans will get out of it. At least to some extent.
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muffler dragon;1692762; said:
Disclaimer: I don't care if there's a rule or not on eye black.

Question: What personal expression should be allowed in a team game?

Speaking strictly as a fan, I feel like all the individual attention certain players get sort of negates the idea that NCAA football can be viewed as a "team game" in terms of entertainment. On many occasions I've tuned into football games just to watch a specific player.

With that said, I feel like to some extent, the things players do on the field say a great deal about their character off. When a player scores a touchdown, the way they celebrate often says a lot about who they are as a person. These eye-black messages seem to be in the same vein. We get an idea of who Tebow is as a person by the scripture he wears, just like we get an idea of who certain players "represent" when they wear the area codes and such. Kids look up to these guys, especially when they see them on TV all the time.

Sometimes individual expression gives people the chance to look at players as role models, and other times it lets us know who not to admire.

All in all though. You take the good, you take the bad.

You take them both and there you have

The facts of life :lol:
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