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WR Terrelle Pryor ('10 Rose, '11 Sugar MVP)

Terrelle had a heck of a day on the ground, it's great to see how easy he flys right by people. I'd like to see Tress call more passing plays, but I can see why he sticks to the run when you have Beanie in the backfeild alongside Pryor.
Great game
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Buckin Crazy;1327679; said:
Terrelle had a heck of a day on the ground, it's great to see how easy he flys right by people. I'd like to see Tress call more passing plays, but I can see why he sticks to the run when you have Beanie in the backfeild alongside Pryor.
Great game


Nicknam4;1327729; said:
This guy has a hella lot of potential, he is one of the best QBs in the country right now and he's only a true freshman. Think how great he'll be in a few years.

Pryor very well could be the second 2 time Heisman winner. :oh:

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Buckin Crazy;1327679; said:
I'd like to see Tress call more passing plays, but I can see why he sticks to the run when you have Beanie in the backfeild alongside Pryor.
Great game


They also had 25 mph wind gusting to 40 at times. This was going to be a running game no matter what. I think we'll see a lot more passing next week in the SCUM game if the weather is mild, otherwise it will be more like today, maybe with a few more deep shots. I agree with bukIpower, I think the bowl game will be huge for him.
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OSU notebook: Pryor at ease with pressure of his job

Saturday, November 15, 2008 8:48 PM
By Ken Gordon and Tim May


CHAMPAIGN, Ill. -- Today, after winning for the seventh time in eight starts, Terrelle Pryor was asked whether he was feeling comfortable now.
He didn't say it, but the smirk on his face seemed to say, "What do you mean, now?"
"Like I've said before, it's pretty easy," Ohio State's freshman quarterback said. "Just throwing the ball and running it. It's coming back to me, the same as high school."
The 19-year-old had just presided over a 30-20 win at Illinois. He accounted for 159 total yards and two touchdowns -- including 110 rushing -- and more important, he was turnover free.
"I thought he was patient," coach Jim Tressel said. "On a couple of runs, he had to step up inside because of pressure off the edge. When he threw, he did a good job of waiting in there.

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What strikes me is that Pryor is starting to look like he did as a HS Senior. I mean that in a good way, not that he's regressed. Instead, I mean, the game is slowing down for him, and he's speeding up as a result. He's just so fluid... so quick...

Edit: Plus, was just in Beanie's thread looking at the vid of him jumping over that dude.... if you watch, someone runs right in front of Beanie and is putting a block on Vontae Davis, right as Beanie is being tackled a few yards behind. Who is it? Well, it's good ol' #2.
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Ohio State Buckeyes' Terrelle Pryor leads Buckeyes past Illinois and anxiously awaits Michigan

Sunday, November 16, 2008 Doug Lesmerises
Plain Dealer Reporter

Champaign, Ill.- Terrelle Pryor's lesson Saturday was on revenge, and while soaking in a victory, his rivalry class commenced immediately.
First, the freshman quarterbacked No. 10 Ohio State past Illinois, 30-20, the film from Friday night still fresh in his head, the one that ended with the Illini celebrating last year's win at Ohio Stadium. It made him feel part of something he wasn't there for.
"I really didn't like that," said Pryor, who threw for just 49 yards but ran for 110. "It kind of peeved me off, and I wanted to get a win and lead this team to victory."
Then it was on to Michigan, his first taste of the game next Saturday to come against the worst Wolverines team in history. You know he almost went there, right? Just imagine Pryor in maize and blue.
"That wouldn't be happening," Pryor said.
Records, and his recruiting relationship with Wolverines coach Rich Rodriguez aside, he expects his perspective on Michigan to change this week.
"They're just another team to me until I get into this rivalry," Pryor said. "I just keep getting it pounded in my ears, 'This is why you came here, for Michigan.' I can't wait to find out."

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Terrelle Pryor enjoying his success at Ohio State

Pryor makes it clear as possible who's on top

Teddy Greenstein | ON COLLEGES November 16, 2008 CHAMPAIGN
Terrelle Pryor beat Illinois with his legs and then rubbed it in with his mouth.

Minutes after leading his team to a 30-20 victory, Ohio State's freshman quarterback jogged to the stands to celebrate with Buckeyes fans. Pryor then looked toward some Illini rooters in the student section, pointed at them and laughed.

"I just love taunting," Pryor said. "And I like to be taunted."

The Illini fans responded with a one-finger salute, a two-syllable dirty word and one even fired something at him, maybe a plastic bottle top or balled-up piece of tape.

I don't blame them," Pryor said with a smile. "As long as it's not a brick or something.

"It's all fun. You have a big crowd, and they're saying you're overrated and the team's overrated. ? If I saw them on the street, they would be shaking my hand. It's all fun and games."

Way more fun for the Buckeyes, who boosted their chances to play in a BCS bowl game and earn at least a piece of the Big Ten title.

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Outside of all the freakish [censored] Pryor normally does on gameday, I think I found something that makes me just as happy. I said this in the Beanie thread as well. If you watch at the end of the Beanie Hop video you notice Pryor is coming in hard and is ready to put a KO on Vontae Davis. This kids hustle is just another thing that makes me love him.

[ame="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1opisGofQiY"]YouTube - Chris "Beanie" Wells Hurdles Illinois Defender[/ame]
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CentralMOBuck;1328288; said:
Outside of all the freakish [censored] Pryor normally does on gameday, I think I found something that makes me just as happy. I said this in the Beanie thread as well. If you watch at the end of the Beanie Hop video you notice Pryor is coming in hard and is ready to put a KO on Vontae Davis. This kids hustle is just another thing that makes me love him.

YouTube - Chris "Beanie" Wells Hurdles Illinois Defender

You've got to love the way Beanie runs, he's something very special. But at the end of the run Beanie's getting a little help from his QB. Terrelle pancakes Vontae Davis #1 to help Beanie get further downfield. When have you ever seen a QB with so much fire?
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FrancisSawyer;1328272; said:
Hmmm. I don't think that pointing at the Illini fans and laughing is going to go over well with Tress. I think that's a little over the line even if it is all in fun. Talk on the field and leave it there.

I agree. He seems to have the whole thing in perspective though. I thoroughly agree that it does need to stay on the field versus your opponents.
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Buckeyeskickbuttocks;1328235; said:
What strikes me is that Pryor is starting to look like he did as a HS Senior. I mean that in a good way, not that he's regressed. Instead, I mean, the game is slowing down for him, and he's speeding up as a result. He's just so fluid... so quick...

Edit: Plus, was just in Beanie's thread looking at the vid of him jumping over that dude.... if you watch, someone runs right in front of Beanie and is putting a block on Vontae Davis, right as Beanie is being tackled a few yards behind. Who is it? Well, it's good ol' #2.

Haha that is awesome. I was watching that earlier and had to rewind it because I was shocked that Pryor came in so quick and was able to get ahead and set up a block. Simply amazing.

As for his performance for the game, he did a good job. I also wanted to see more passing, but I'm not one who is going to cry over it. Some of his runs were superb and I really think the read zone option and the QB draw are going to be deadly in the upcoming years.
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