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WR Terrelle Pryor ('10 Rose, '11 Sugar MVP)

1926Buckeyes;1325738; said:
Also, I had seen a debate on another forum about who was the better QB, Griffin III (Baylor) or Pryor. Some interesting ideas and thoughts posted on there and thought it'd be interesting to talk about. Would that be too off topic though for this thread.

I was at the Baylor/Oklahoma game a few weeks ago so I got to see him up close. Robert Griffin has played excellent as a freshman. He's a heck of a talent and has certainly put up some impressive numbers. 12 TD's and only 2 Int's. In a way it's hard to compare the two because Griffin has been given more responsibility since he is basically their only weapon. Pryor has been able to ease into his role a little bit more since we have Beanie and an excellent defense. We're fortunate that we don't need to rely on Pryor go to out do everything like Griffin has to at Baylor. I think Pryor is the more athletic of the two, and thus has more "upside" (for lack of a better term) than Griffin. It would be interesting to see what Griffin would be able to do on a team with more firepower, but unfortunately I don't think we'll get to see that since he's at Baylor. However, I definitely think the two will be mentioned among the best QB's in the nation in the next few years to come. Should be interesting to see how they compare throughout their college career.
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FWBuckeye;1325748; said:
I was at the Baylor/Oklahoma game a few weeks ago so I got to see him up close. Robert Griffin has played excellent as a freshman. He's a heck of a talent and has certainly put up some impressive numbers. 12 TD's and only 2 Int's. In a way it's hard to compare the two because Griffin has been given more responsibility since he is basically their only weapon. Pryor has been able to ease into his role a little bit more since we have Beanie and an excellent defense. We're fortunate that we don't need to rely on Pryor go to out do everything like Griffin has to at Baylor. I think Pryor is the more athletic of the two, and thus has more "upside" (for lack of a better term) than Griffin. It would be interesting to see what Griffin would be able to do on a team with more firepower, but unfortunately I don't think we'll get to see that since he's at Baylor. However, I definitely think the two will be mentioned among the best QB's in the nation in the next few years to come. Should be interesting to see how they compare throughout their college career.

Yeah. A lot of people are saying that Griffin III is more athletic and much faster, which I find hard to believe, but I think the way Pryor runs is making people really underestimate his speed. I think it will be hard to compare the too without some further viewing.

Also, Griffin came into camp in the spring and Pryor came in in the fall.
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1926Buckeyes;1325755; said:
Yeah. A lot of people are saying that Griffin III is more athletic and much faster, which I find hard to believe, but I think the way Pryor runs is making people really underestimate his speed. I think it will be hard to compare the too without some further viewing.

Also, Griffin came into camp in the spring and Pryor came in in the fall.

Yeah I definitely think Pryor's speed is underestimated because of his long stride. I've seen quite a bit of both QB's this season. I can definitely see how someone can make the case for Griffin over Pryor right now. It's really just too hard to fairly compare the two right now because their both in totally different situations. I think ultimately Pryor is going to develop into a better all around college QB. I've seen more improvement on a week to week basis with Pryor and I think he is just an all around better athlete than Griffin. Griffin came out of the gate better, but as you said it's likely due to the fact that he came in during spring and Pryor didn't come until the fall.
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Pryor playin basketball?

Over at the ozone, the description for the video clip of tressel's press conference on thursday says that he talks about the possibility of pryor playing basketball, but i didn't hear him ever say anything about it in the video. Does anyone know what it is that he said about that?
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I feel Pryor is going to go off today. He wont throw that pick in the endzone like we had last year and if Beanie gets going at all, this one's going to be in hand at halftime. IF Pryor struggles with his decision making we'll be in a war. If he just makes his decisions and goes with them be it running or throwing, he'll be just fine and we'll be happy at the end of this day.
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CHU;1327469; said:
No "Freshman Mistakes" by Pryor today, despite what uninformed Mark May said at halftime (which showed he didn't even watch the first half).

He did what it took to win.

WTF was up with Mark May? He never said what those "freshman mistakes" were. Maybe he is just at that stage where he is beyond watching the game and just makes negative remarks about TP. If anyone made "freshman mistakes" today, wasn't it Juice?

Put down that gallon of Haterade, Mark May!
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OregonBuckeye;1327658; said:
Terrelle has yet to complete less than 60% of his passes in a game. That is mind boggling. Can't believe that stat hasn't been given any attention by the media.

he has made tons of mistakes and is not very good


Mark May
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The thing most people don't realize around the nation is we don't need Terrelle to throw for over so many yards. We just need him to deliever the ball with accuracy and keep the chains moving with chris wells.

IMO, like I've said the bowl game will be Pryor's biggest game of the season. Because he's going to have all that time to practice his craft
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