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WR Terrelle Pryor ('10 Rose, '11 Sugar MVP)

#2 said:
"The media, ESPN people, sit there and talk stuff on our team and say we're dead," Pryor said after a separate question. "We'll find out this week coming up who's dead. We're out to show the world something, and we're going to."


I would guess that Pryor is becoming THE player that you don't wanna mess with.

We've got him for this season plus the next 2, no matter how much sleep ESPN loses. If they get lucky, he leaves early.

The big televen knows it, and mark may knows it. USC knows it, but they won't admit to it. Until they have to, which is no later than 09 of '09.

We stole one here.
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I finally got to watch some video of Pryor. Day-um guys!!!!!
His best play missed the highlight reel, backspun out of the pocket, toasting an untouched defender. Pumpfaked the boundary defender in the air, ducked under and ran down sideline, pulled up and fired a strike to Robiskie for a first down on 3rd and very long. Robo was called for illegal touching (ran out earlier in the play), but still a ridiculous play.
Like when we first got Tebow in the game, you could tell as a freshmen that he was special.
Yup, both have a presence about them. Certain areas need work, but the "IT" factor is there in spades. And he throws non-jump ball passes too :p

He was freaking awesome.
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jwinslow;1275223; said:
His best play missed the highlight reel, backspun out of the pocket, toasting an untouched defender. Pumpfaked the boundary defender in the air, ducked under and ran down sideline, pulled up and fired a strike to Robiskie for a first down on 3rd and very long.

Best play I've seen in person, in any sport, and it gained zero yards. :wink2:

And it was by a freshman!

I feel like I'm getting as excited with Pryor as scUM fans do with Barwis.
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BUCKYLE, ask, and ye shall receive (on video!).

Terrelle Pryor 08-09-27

In looking for that quote, I discovered that Pryor and May have a little history from the recruiting hoopla:

"That day was tough because I was being criticized by everyone for not making up my mind and signing," he said. "Mark May from ESPN is criticizing me on national television and he doesn't even know me. That kind of stuff really bothers me, when people who know nothing about me are talking about me like they know anything. There was so much media there that day that I had to address the issue, but I'd prefer to be left alone."
SportingNews.com - Your expert source for NCAA Football stats, scores, standings, and blogs from NCAA Football columnists

6'5", 235lbs, runs like a gazelle, laser/rocket arm, hates Mark May, what's not to like about this kid?
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Jon Spencer: Harder test for OSU's Terrelle Pryor ahead

By JON SPENCER ? News Journal ? September 29, 2008

First he lowered his shoulder into Minnesota linebacker Rex Sharpe, giving startling new meaning to a quarterback hitting his target.

Terrelle Pryor, No. 2 in the game program and soon-to-be No. 1 in SportsCenter highlights, then lowered the boom on ESPN college football analyst Mark May, giving a verbal stiff arm to the long-time Ohio State antagonist after running for two scores and throwing for another in Saturday's 34-21 win over the Gophers.
"He said, 'Let's see how he plays on the big stage,' " said Pryor, taking that personal comment, well, personally. "We're going to see ... what other people say about our team we really don't care. People who say we're dead; we'll find out this week who's dead."
Already showing he's football mature beyond his years, Pryor is also wise enough to know that compared to what awaits Saturday, his first two starts for the Buckeyes have been a ride down a water slide. The freshman phenom's real baptism comes in his first road start against the Wisconsin Badgers, who own as many Rose Bowl victories in the last 15 years (three) as the rest of the Big Ten combined.
Despite OSU's 38-17 win last year, the Badgers are the only Big Ten team above .500 against the Buckeyes (3-2) during the Jim Tressel era.

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BUCKYLE;1274750; said:
Wasn't going to hit him? Then why was he lowering his shoulder?

YouTube - Terrelle Pryor Destroys Minnesota Defender

its hard to see in the youtube video, but on the big screen it looks to me like the defender lowers his shoulder after pryor takes his studder step to stay in bounds. while i can't honestly say what would have happened had pryor stepped out. i would guess he would have gotten a shove rather than a shoulder.

thats not to take anything away from his hit of course. ANY time a qb launches a lb 5 yrds in the air... im not even sure how to finish that statement. im just going to sit here and smile alot :).

bukIpower;1275176; said:
I know! The scary thing is he's light years ahead of where Troy was as a freshman (hell even a RS sophomore). Whenever Pryor has the ball the options are limitless and we've already seen two instances where maybe the players aren't use to playing with him yet.

1) Robo Steps outta bounds trying to buy time during the Troy game.

2) Small Drops a pass when Pryor buys time with his legs

As the year goes and the players understand how he oporates the offense will be scary. If he and beanie can stay healthy it's gonna be something else by the end of the year.

he reminds me a little bit of troy smith prior to the 05 penn state game. only he is much better at going through his progressions and not giving up on the pass. he still has a lot of mistakes and learning ahead of him. but where he is as a true freshman in my book is unbelieveable. if i wasn't watching it, i don't think i would believe it.
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IronBuckI;1275473; said:
Terrelle Pryor reminds me of no one that I have ever seen or heard about.

that about sums it up.

What amazes me is he even looks good when he gets sacked. More often than not his eyes are downfiled ,he feels the pressure, and knows its coming. He doesn't force it, he trys to escape and if he can't, protects the football.

The main problem you see with young QB's is that they throw it late accross the middle. Pryor doesn't do that.

the biggest mistake he made this week was running out of bounds for a two yard loss when he could have flicked it out of bounds. Oh...... and he should have ran it for about 5 more TD's that was a huge mistake on his part.
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generaladm;1275237; said:
BUCKYLE, ask, and ye shall receive (on video!).

Terrelle Pryor 08-09-27

Hillarious where they ask him if he was running top speed on his TDs. His second TD he said he just jogged. :)

You can see his confidence big time in that video.

This week will be his first start on ABC. No offense to the BTN, but this week will be his national coming out party. I can't wait!
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