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WR Terrelle Pryor ('10 Rose, '11 Sugar MVP)

Tlangs;1274609; said:
from my viewpoint it looked like he was taking it out of bounds and then he realized the guy was going to hit him. If he didn't lower the shoulder he would have been blasted in the chin and planted on his back. He was just protecting himself.

:slappy: oh i think not! pryor was 1 step from out of bounds and the defender had already broke stride. he wasn't going to hit him and if he had it would have been a person foul. watch it again. pryor studder steps to stay in bounds, switches the ball from his right hand to his left then takes a step into the defender.

im thinkin pryor had a little something to say that went beyond words.
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jmorbitz;1274394; said:
The dude doesn't run, he glides. It's like watching a figure skater on ice. Like Brian Boitano or some shit, but way better and in a football sense.

Or maybe like, just a guy skating on ice really smooth like, it's like that.

BuckeyeTillIDie;1274668; said:
Also like when a fan of the Utah Jazz told Michael Jordan to dunk on someone his own size, so the next play he dunked on the 6'11" Mel Turpin.

With those long strides, Pryor reminds me more of a basketball player than an ice skater. But that's just me.
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martinss01;1274673; said:
:slappy: oh i think not! pryor was 1 step from out of bounds and the defender had already broke stride. he wasn't going to hit him and if he had it would have been a person foul. watch it again. pryor studder steps to stay in bounds, switches the ball from his right hand to his left then takes a step into the defender.

im thinkin pryor had a little something to say that went beyond words.

Wasn't going to hit him? Then why was he lowering his shoulder?

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GbeG0-a1GGM]YouTube - Terrelle Pryor Destroys Minnesota Defender[/ame]
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pokey;1274749; said:
With those long strides, Pryor reminds me more of a basketball player than an ice skater. But that's just me.

Yeah, and he was a bad ass basketball player too, we all know that, but TP has the build to be a ridiculous shooting guard, and he would have probably been great at that too, if he pursued it. Shit, the kid would probably be a bad ass golfer, he just seems to have that work ethic; from the things I've seen, read, and heard.
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jmorbitz;1275050; said:
Yeah, and he was a bad ass basketball player too, we all know that, but TP has the build to be a ridiculous shooting guard, and he would have probably been great at that too, if he pursued it. Shit, the kid would probably be a bad ass golfer, he just seems to have that work ethic; from the things I've seen, read, and heard.
Terrible at blokarting, though.
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I'm just going to throw this out there, I find it pretty awesome.

Know what was so awesome about Troy Smith? You could go to a game, watch the game - whatever - and think "Hey, not only do I get to see the Bucks kick ass, I get to see what ridiculous/unbelievable play(s) Troy can make today."

Pryor has this already.
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3074326;1275160; said:
I'm just going to throw this out there, I find it pretty awesome.

Know what was so awesome about Troy Smith? You could go to a game, watch the game - whatever - and think "Hey, not only do I get to see the Bucks kick ass, I get to see what ridiculous/unbelievable play(s) Troy can make today."

Pryor has this already.

Agree. It's pretty damn cool right?
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I know! The scary thing is he's light years ahead of where Troy was as a freshman (hell even a RS sophomore). Whenever Pryor has the ball the options are limitless and we've already seen two instances where maybe the players aren't use to playing with him yet.

1) Robo Steps outta bounds trying to buy time during the Troy game.

2) Small Drops a pass when Pryor buys time with his legs

As the year goes and the players understand how he oporates the offense will be scary. If he and beanie can stay healthy it's gonna be something else by the end of the year.
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"The media, ESPN people, sit there and talk stuff on our team and say we're dead," Pryor said after a separate question. "We'll find out this week coming up who's dead. We're out to show the world something, and we're going to."

I got to see Pryor in person yesterday, and couldn't have been more impressed. He looks like one of those special players who not only has great physical attributes, but plays the game 2-3 moves ahead of his opponents. That's why he never looks to be running full speed. When he drops back to pass, he sees or feels the pressure, and knows exactly how long he has to scan the field before he has to make an evasive move. By the time he makes that move, he's either found a receiver, determined whether to keep the pass option alive, or takes off running. When he runs, he sizes up each defender and is already planning his next move before the would be tackler knows he's beat. It's the type of awareness that is only shown by the most elite athletes, like Jordan or Gretzky. Throw in the killer instinct and desire to improve, and there's a good chance he can reach that level. People keep saying that his inexperience will catch up with him, but so far his few mistakes have been nearly harmless. The Buckeyes will be in good shape thru the 2010 season.
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