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WR Terrelle Pryor ('10 Rose, '11 Sugar MVP)

Dryden;1223331; said:
JT is slacking. What will the next crop of elite QB prospects think when they see Terrelle Pryor puttin' around C-Bus in a Hyundai Sonata? We're never going to land another elite QB prospect if the best hookup we've got is a Korean family sedan.

Sonata was all that was left in the inventory. Worthington already called dibs on the Escalade.
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Bleed S & G;1223509; said:
Whats up with the ESPN font on the TP photo? :( :wink2:

Yeah, the Shot in Action well...


Hayn, that's very ESPiNlike.....
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MililaniBuckeye;1215590; said:
Lest you forget, Todd Boeckman had 2 TDs and 6 INTs in his last three starts, two of those being losses. If anyone led the Buckeyes, it was Beanie Wells who nearly single-handedly won the Winsconsin and Michigan games. There's a reason why a true freshman will get so many snaps this season...

I agree. Not to show any disrespect to Todd, but he grew increasingly tentative and lacked confidence after the second half of the MSU game. The QB situation this year will depend a lot on the performance of the offensive line and on Todd's ability to show more mobility. I hope he has made great progress over the summer but count me among people who think that Pryor could be playing a major role in our offense by mid-year, if Todd hasn't made progress.
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Steve19;1223861; said:
I agree. Not to show any disrespect to Todd, but he grew increasingly tentative and lacked confidence after the second half of the MSU game. The QB situation this year will depend a lot on the performance of the offensive line and on Todd's ability to show more mobility. I hope he has made great progress over the summer but count me among people who think that Pryor could be playing a major role in our offense by mid-year, if Todd hasn't made progress.

Todd struggled towards the end of the year Illinois especially. I'm not sure I'd Michigan on him with the weather and how success the running game had. Todd's a 5th year senior who's been here essentially 6 years. I think it would it take a major implosion to see Pryor playing anything outside of a Tebow role.
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ESPN - What's hot (and not) for 2008 - College Football


Fabulous freshmen: Several blue-chip recruits are poised to contribute right away: Alabama's Julio Jones, Georgia's A.J. Green, Ohio State's Terrelle Pryor, Clemson's Da'Quan Bowers, Florida's Omar Hunter, Oklahoma's R.J. Washington, Colorado's Darrell Scott and LSU's Patrick Johnson.

Ohio State: Beanie Wells. James Laurinaitis. Malcolm Jenkins. Terrelle Pryor. Jim Tressel. Sweater vests. The Buckeyes seem armed for a third straight appearance in a BCS title game -- if they can get past USC on Sept. 13.
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Anyone watch TP yesterday on B10Networks OSU practice day? Last night they did a broadcast from day 2 practice and TP was all over the coaches and getting "talking to"s. I think he may be very involved in the QB game this year.

Beanie was walking around most of the time... actually I will move the rest of this post somewhere else since I am about to report off the topic...

I saw about five or six throws, with no rush but Cbs covering and WRs running about half speed. He did force some stuff and had a few balls unwind from their spirals near the end of some 7 yard outs. It was only second day but it looks like he needs to tighten up his spiral on those longer outs, or maybe take theses drills a smidgen more seriously...
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