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WR Anthony Gonzalez (2005 All B1G, US Congressman)

Gonzalez becoming bigger part of Colts' offense

INDIANAPOLIS (AP) ? Maybe Anthony Gonzalez is just a quick study.

How else can one explain his accelerated ascension?

The numbers from Gonzalez's first 1 1/2 NFL seasons may not look that impressive until you realize Gonzalez has already achieved something that took twice as long for Reggie Wayne and Dallas Clark ? finding a comfort zone in Indianapolis' offense.

"I think the same thing holds true in this job as any other job, provided you're doing well and not poorly," Gonzalez said Thursday. "So yes, I am more comfortable in it this season."

When the Colts drafted Gonzalez in the first round last year, they expected it to take some time for him to become a major contributor. Wayne and Clark have both said it took about three years to get fully acclimated to all the audibles, hand gestures and play calls at the line of scrimmage.

Gonzalez didn't want to be quite so patient, but he had no choice.

The NFL kept him out of the team's first minicamp because he was one of 35 rookies scheduled to attend a trading card shoot. Then an early-season hand injury cost him time in practice.

It put him behind, but Gonzalez, a Rhodes Scholar candidate at Ohio State, refused to make excuses. He studied, watched extra film and spent as much time as possible trying to develop that special rapport with Peyton Manning at practice.

Gonzalez finished with 37 catches for 576 yards and three touchdowns ? better than Wayne or Clark had in their rookie seasons, which were both marred by injuries.

The Associated Press: Gonzalez becoming bigger part of Colts' offense
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Published: November 27, 2008
Colts' Gonzalez ready for hometown return
Justin A. Cohn
The Journal Gazette


INDIANAPOLIS ? Anthony Gonzalez is familiar with the heartbreak of Cleveland sports fans.

He mourned Michael Jordan?s shot over Craig Ehlo. He reviled the Indians? World Series loss to the Florida Marlins.

And he remembers, in particular, Earnest Byner?s gaffe at the 3-yard line, known as ?The Fumble,? that cost the Browns a chance to win the AFC Championship game against the Denver Broncos in 1988.

?I was at my grandfather?s house, playing with his dog,? said Gonzalez, who was 3 at the time. ?Everybody went crazy and the dog started barking, scared me a bit. That was my first taste of Cleveland heartbreak, I guess.?

Despite growing up in a city that hasn?t had a championship in a major professional league since 1964, when the Browns won a title in a pre-Super Bowl-era NFL, Gonzalez will be out to give Clevelanders a little more heartbreak Sunday. Gonzalez and the Indianapolis Colts (7-4), who have won four consecutive games, will take on the Browns (4-7).

?You?re aware of all that (heartache) growing up in Cleveland. You hear about the curse,? said the second-year wide receiver out of Ohio State, who has 46 catches for 568 yards and three touchdowns. ?Whether there is a curse, who knows? But I feel the pain of every team except the Browns now. ? As far as football goes, this is where my focus is and winning would keep me happy.?

It might not do the same for the many friends and family he?ll have in the stands at Cleveland Browns Stadium, notoriously hostile toward visiting teams? fans.

?I already warned them, just keep the Colts blue underneath your jacket. We don?t want any issues,? said Gonzalez, whose alma mater, St. Ignatius, is taking on Cincinnati Elder for the state football championship Saturday.

Colts_ Gonzalez ready for hometown return | The Journal Gazette
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Former Buckeyes and St Ignatius Star Anthony Gonzalez Talks About Playing Hometown Team
Submitted by Eugmc on November 26, 2008

(On playing in Cleveland)- ?I?m sure there will be some emotion to it. Right now, I?m trying to just focus on the Colts and the fact that we?re fighting for a wild card spot and trying to do the things that we do. That being said, I am going to Cleveland, I?m going to see my family, I?m going to my parents house on Saturday. That will be nice and I just remember playing in the Hall of Fame game and it?s a little bit special to be in Ohio again.?

(On St. Ignatius being in the state finals)- ?That?s awesome, I wish I could go but we?ve got our own business to take care of. I?ll be watching on TV though and I couldn?t be prouder of them. I actually got to go to my first Ignatius game earlier in the year. They were playing in Dayton and I swung over for the game. They?re excited, I know, and the school?s excited and everybody is into it so hopefully they can win number ten.?

(On learning from Peyton Manning)- ?I was thinking about that today and I?m fortunate to be in this situation because the veteran leadership, and not with just Peyton but everybody, is so strong here that people do a good job of showing the rookies and the young guys how it should be done, how it needs to look and things like that. I?ve been very fortunate in that regard. As far as Peyton specifically, it always helps to have a guy that good throwing you the football.?

(On the added pressure with Marvin Harrison?s numbers being down)- ?I don?t think so, I don?t even think that way. I just try to show up and try to do my job and hope that it?s good enough to help us win a game. I?ve never been on to get caught up in numbers or stats or anything like that. I don?t see that ever changing.?

(On how he has improved in his second year)- ?I think just being more aware of everything. That helps certainly and you always hear the clich? that there?s no substitute for experience and I think that?s true to a large degree. Each week, just feeling a little bit more comfortable which allows you to play a little bit faster and a little bit harder and I think that?s helped more than anything really.?

(On having Roy Hall on the team)- ?It?s great just having a guy that you?ve been friends with for so long. It just makes being in Indianapolis that much easier, you?ve always got a fellow Buckeye down the road that you can call or talk to or whatever. It?s great for both of us I think.?

(On The team getting back on track)- ?That?s another one I don?t think much about. I know we?re put together a few wins in a row now so I think guys are obviously feeling good about that. The big thing, if you look at it, is that we haven?t really beaten ourselves the last four weeks. I think, to a certain extent, earlier in the season we may have been beating ourselves but we stopped doing that and we?ve put together some nice games.?

(On it being tough to see the struggles the Browns are having)- ?I don?t know. Believe it or not, I don?t watch the Browns because we have games on Sunday. I certainly follow them and I still read the Cleveland paper every day, I still read the Plain Dealer every morning. I?m aware of what?s going on over there and their situation but at the end of the day, I?m here and I couldn?t be happier being here and I love the situation I?m in. I just think about that.?

(On if he still sleeps in the tent at night)- ?Now it?s my bedroom, it?s no longer a tent but somehow the power in my bedroom got cut off last night. So I wasn?t in it last night but every other night I am, yeah.?

Former Buckeyes and St Ignatius Star Anthony Gonzalez Talks About Playing Hometown Team | Cleveland Leader
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Gonzalez returns home to face Browns
Ex-Ignatius, OSU star makes mark with Colts
By Marla Ridenour
Beacon Journal sports writer

Published on Friday, Nov 28, 2008

BEREA: Former Ohio State receiver Anthony Gonzalez finds himself breathing rare air, and it's not just from the low amount of oxygen being pumped into his Indianapolis bedroom to simulate high altitude.
In his second year with the Indianapolis Colts, Gonzalez sits on the bench next to Peyton Manning during games and takes in all the hall of fame-bound quarterback has to offer.
''I was thinking about that today,'' Gonzalez said. ''I'm fortunate to be in this situation because the veteran leadership, not just with Peyton but everybody, is so strong here. People do a good job of showing the rookies and the young guys how it should be done, how it needs to look and things like that.''

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Gonzalez productive in limited role

Receiver in for only six plays, but makes three catches, one for TD

Anthony Gonzalez didn't expect to get much playing time Sunday against the Cincinnati Bengals.
So, what to do?
Make the most of it, of course.
Limited to six plays as the Colts primarily stuck with a two-tight end formation to counter the Bengals' blitzing defense, Gonzalez responded with three catches that produced 27 yards and a touchdown.

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Wednesday, March 18
By John Oehser - Special to Colts.com
Fourth of a Position-by-Position Series on the Colts' Roster

Anthony Gonzalez, the Colts' first-round selection in the 2007 NFL Draft, caught 57 passes for 664 yards and four touchdowns this past season. Those numbers were similar to those of Harrison, who had 60 receptions for 636 yards and five touchdowns.

Gonzalez, who played mostly inside at Ohio State, has played both the slot and outside receiver positions in his first two NFL seasons, playing outside in place of Harrison extensively when the latter was injured in 2007. Gonzalez also played outside extensively last season.

?Anthony Gonzalez has gotten better not just every year, but he gets better everyday,? Caldwell said. ?His first year, he was effective. His second season, he was more effective.?

Which Caldwell said makes Gonzalez an example of the positives of the Colts' scouting system.

?I think a lot of times we don't talk enough about what a great job (Colts President) Bill (Polian) and (Vice President of Football Operations) Chris (Polian) and (Director of Player Personnel) Tom Telesco and all of our scouting department does of finding guys who grow within our system and develop into quality players,? Caldwell said. ?Anthony has all of those attributes and intangibles. He studies hard and is a guy who loves to work at his craft.

?He studies film after practice and before practice and you can see evidence of all of his improvement week in and week out. He's getting a better understanding of the game and a better understanding of his role. He has been effective.?

Polian, when discussing the NFL Draft in late February, mentioned wide receiver as a possibility in late April whether or not Harrison returns, and Caldwell said no matter how draft day develops, there are players on the roster who cannot only provide depth, but continue to develop into front-line players.

?We have some guys who have to step for us and come along,? Caldwell said.

The Official Website of the Indianapolis Colts
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How cool would it be to se the Colts target Robiskie to replace Harrison. Such similar players....both great route runners, neither have top end speed, both great hands. I think Robiskie has a very real chance of sliding into the first round depending on how the Colts evealuate the DT's available on the board.
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