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Wiscy +3.5 vs Miami (ov/un 57.5) ESPN 12-29 8 ET, Champs Sports Bowl

bkochmc;1627817; said:
They're in Orlando and Miami has freaking heaters on their sideline? Pansy asses.

Haha that's what I was thinking. I was trying to figure out where this bowl was being played. The announcers were acting like it's North Carolina or Virginia and it's in FUCKING Florida.

Maybe the Canes should quit playing after October. Oh wait, they do anyways... :biggrin:
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buckeyebri;1627824; said:
like I have always said let the SEC or ACC boys come play up north against us in November or December then let's see what the outcome looks like....
Evolution of man. Beasts domesticated. Wheel invented. Put your bronze age shit in a yak-drawn cart and head South where your women can run around half naked all year.

It's in all the text books.:biggrin:
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