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Wiscy +3.5 vs Miami (ov/un 57.5) ESPN 12-29 8 ET, Champs Sports Bowl

BuckeyeMike80;1627804; said:
well they kinda are.....

Wisconsin could be playing better IMO and their offensive playcalling has, at times, been beyond stupid.

I can't find a whole lot of error in Wiscy's playcalling. Plus they are executing. It's nice to see a team that can have 2 tight ends effective at catching and blocking (against Miami).
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Don't you love the excuses the announcers are making for Miami? :roll1:

If the Canes were rolling it would be "the Big Ten still sucks", but with Wisconsin leading it's "well, Miami just isn't Miami tonight".

Fucking idiots.

Put another 7 on the board, Badgers!
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Jake;1627820; said:
Don't you love the excuses the announcers are making for Miami? :roll1:

If the Canes were rolling it would be "the Big Ten still sucks", but with Wisconsin leading it's "well, Miami just isn't Miami tonight".

Fucking idiots.

Put another 7 on the board, Badgers!

how about if a Big Ten team is losing in SoCal or Florida in a bowl game in December or January is it because it is too hot, oh wait... no, that is fucking stupid so no one has ever said it
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