Impartial observer .02:
If I'm a Wings fan I'm a little nervous about what happens after a team exposes their jugular and you don't finish them off. How many times in football do you see a team drop a sure INT and get burned for a TD in the same series? Baseball when you drop a foul ball or don't get a call and the guy gets another strike or the team gets another out? I have always noticed what seems to be a very high correlation between missing a chance to put someone away and paying dearly for it soon there after.
Up 2 games to 1 in the series and leading 2-1 in game 4, big power play chance to go up 3-1 and essentially win the cup right then and there....and you give up the shorty that absolutely ignites a pretty damn good team.
I think the Wings are better and have home ice but I would be nervous until game 5 was over and they had won.