NJ-Buckeye;1548065; said:
When I get 7 next month... will I have to re-install all my apps? and data files?
Apps are questionable, it will depend on how much of the actual OS and core dll's they changed in the system, some change, some don't, in past experiences the upgrade usually fails on some hardware driver that windows has native or some weird application that works with a piece of hardware.
Data, since Windows 7 is in the upgrade path to follow Vista, there shouldn't be any loss to personal documents, pics, etc...
Usually the OS is just upgraded, then it runs like shit because you upgraded, so you go to a friends house, copy all your porn off onto an external drive he has, install the new os, lose the apps, copy your porn back over, leave, forgetting to delete your porn so a few hours later your budy texts you with "Dude, you are into some sick fucking shit, I don't think we can be friends anymore you sick fuck."
That's just been my personal experience.