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Win98 won't recognize flash disks

I've had that exact problem with XP. Jump drive and mp3 player install and all, but they try to show up as my h: drive which is a mapped drive. So they are recognized, but don't show up in my computer. I had to re-map drive letters from the disk manager.

Exactly. In XP, it'll assign it the same letter as the mapped drive with no warning or indication that the drive is even recognized (besides the little "USB" sound it plays when devices are inserted). This is a huge problem for us, since our users all have mapped network drives but none have admin privileges, so they can't access the disk manager. You would think Windows would be a little smarter than that, or at least allow them to change the letter of the removable drive. Hopefully something they fix in Vista.
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I've had that exact problem with XP. Jump drive and mp3 player install and all, but they try to show up as my h: drive which is a mapped drive. So they are recognized, but don't show up in my computer. I had to re-map drive letters from the disk manager.

Well I didnt doubt that, I just figured it would at least say something about a drive letter conflict or something. I cant say that I have used a flash drive or whatnot while having network drives mapped.
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Exactly. In XP, it'll assign it the same letter as the mapped drive with no warning or indication that the drive is even recognized

My God, this is a multi-billion dollar company, and they cant make something THAT stupid, function correctly. Yikes.

I hope you are right about Vista, but I doubt it. I really hope there are alot of improvements in Vista, because I have installed every beta up to this point, and it runs like ass. Course it's only beta. Will see how the RC's are whenever they finally hit.
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