Just to be clear, my distaste for your broken record about letting other teams have success has nothing to do with my commentary about the 07 exchange. Looking back, I do recall a few 07 interactions (I didn't earlier).
I admit that was a petty sarcastic comment by me about coming back.
See below for your example.
I admit that was a petty sarcastic comment by me about coming back.
The only person between the two of us who shown the tendency to express self serving opinions, is you.
One of these things doesn't fit with the other. Constantly making losses about what your team didn't do is the definition of self-serving.I care about it disproportionately more when it happens with Wisconsin, which is natural because I'm a Badgers' fan and 98% of my sports posts here pertain in some way to UW.
When was the last time a team came back on Wisconsin and they didn't allow it? It's the constant denigration of the other team's role in it that is aggravating.You can't show bias from me unless I contradicted myself by saying Wisconsin deserves all the credit for making a sizable comeback and it was not to the discredit of the other team for changing strategy. Can you show me where I've said that?
See below for your example.
When you moan constantly about how your team loves to blow it, it's not remotely impressive or worthy of self-promotion when it actually comes to fruition, yet he reward yourself with that frequently.This all because I had the foresight to CORRECTLY predict, based on tendency, that Wisconsin would blow a lead against OSU in last year's Big Ten Tournament, which somehow when it came to fruition sapped the enjoyment out of the win for you.
Our fans complain all the time that Tressel keeps them in the ballgame. The constant harping is neither wise nor productive in the course of a game thread. It's complaining and self-centered.Hey, if me showing some foresight and consistently expressing a philosophy about the logical strategy in sport cheapens the enjoyment for you, just because it doesn't happen to benefit you in an individual situation, that's not my fault, it's yours.
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