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Who's the Greatest Buckeye Wide Receiver? (Please vote for FOUR)

Who's the Greatest Buckeye Wide Receiver (Vote for FOUR)

  • David Boston

    Votes: 86 68.8%
  • Cris Carter

    Votes: 112 89.6%
  • Doug Donley

    Votes: 4 3.2%
  • Joey Galloway

    Votes: 93 74.4%
  • Terry Glenn

    Votes: 76 60.8%
  • Anthony Gonzalez

    Votes: 13 10.4%
  • Santonio Holmes

    Votes: 36 28.8%
  • Michael Jenkins

    Votes: 59 47.2%
  • Gary Williams

    Votes: 7 5.6%
  • Other

    Votes: 5 4.0%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .


Illuminatus Emeritus
Staff member
BP Recruiting Team
Three years ago, we did a series of polls in which the BP community selected the "Greatest Buckeye Ever" team. Since then, many more great players have passed through the Woody Hayes Athletic Center, so it's probably a good time to revisit the polls.

Every week, we will post a poll on "Who's the Greatest Buckeye" at each of the positions. The first poll, quarterback, will open today, and run for a month.

All players selected for the poll will be from the "modern era", which we have more-or-less arbitrarily determined to have begun with the hiring of Woody Hayes in 1951. However, there will be a special poll for the older Buckeye stars, where you will be allowed to choose amongst such greats as Les Horvath, Vic Janowicz, Chic Harley, etc.

Please vote on each poll, if you can. Also, please note that each poll will allow you to vote at least twice, as we would like to compile a first and second team. If you vote for "other", please let us know your selection(s) by setting forth the name(s) in a post.

Polls will be posted as follows:

1. Quarterback
2. Multi-purpose player
3. Tailback
4. Fullback
5. Wide Receiver
6. Tight End
7. Offensive Tackle
8. Offensive Guard
9. Offensive Center
10. Defensive Tackle
11. Defensive End
12. Outside Linebacker
13. Middle Linebacker
14. Safety
15. Cornerback
16. Kicker
17. Punter
18. "Old Timer"
19. Head Coach

So, please vote now for your All-Time Greatest Buckeye Wide Receiver; please make FOUR selections.

Thanks for your participation.

Link to 2004 Poll
Big Papa;933238; said:

I was surprised that Teddy didn't even make the list?

that was my initial thought, but i chose Michael Jenkins over Boston because, A) he broke Boston's career yardage record, B) he didn't flap his gums and was a much better sportsman than Boston, and C) "HOLY BUCKEYE!"
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Holmes and Jenkins

Boston was also a liability, taunting, finger pointing and getting into personal struggles when he should have been concentrating on the game.

And my single fondest moment in 53 years of watching the Bucks had to be Terry Glenn catching that pass and running away from three Notre Dame backs while Rejas Philbullshit was yacking away in the background. Priceless!
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I went:


I chose Jenkins over Glenn partly due to Jenkins 'doing it' over a Career and partly because of the National Championship he helped bring tOSU.
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Big Papa;933238; said:
I was surprised that Teddy didn't even make the list?
Teddy's already going to make the team as a "multi-purpose" player.

Also, it would be difficult for an objective observer to place Ginn ahead of any of the nine players on the list strictly based on his performance as a wide receiver. As a triple threat player (receiving, rushing, returning), Teddy was the best ever to don the scarlet & grey, but as a pure receiver, he's probably in the same league as Ken-Yon Rambo (that is, very good but not really great).
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That was tough! Went with Boston, Galloway, Holmes, and Jenkins.
Had a very difficult time leaving out Gary Williams and also my all-time favorites, "white lightning" from Cambridge, Donley.
I didn't have any problems with Boston while he was here. It was only when he went pro. Sometimes I think we get hung up in one play but sometimes that play defines a career.
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lvbuckeye;933257; said:
Terry Glenn is the only one to win the Biletnikoff Award. :wink:

Very true, and that season he was spectacular and deserving of the award...truly dominant for that one season...very close between him and Jenkins imo, I just gave the edge to MJ for being Mr. Clutch during a National Championship Season, if not necessarily a 'dominant WR' over his career.

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I went with Carter, Boston, Galloway, and Gary Williams (tough call over Jenkins, who will get the young vote, as evidenced by cincibuck).
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