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Who's the Greatest Buckeye Football Player? (Vote for THREE)

Who's the Greatest Buckeye Football Player? (Vote for 3)

  • Hopalong Cassady

    Votes: 37 33.3%
  • Archie Griffin

    Votes: 102 91.9%
  • Chic Harley

    Votes: 51 45.9%
  • Les Horvath

    Votes: 11 9.9%
  • Vic Janowicz

    Votes: 22 19.8%
  • Orlando Pace

    Votes: 44 39.6%
  • Chris Spielman

    Votes: 22 19.8%
  • Jack Tatum

    Votes: 16 14.4%
  • Other

    Votes: 14 12.6%

  • Total voters
ScarletBlood31;995903; said:

I'm probably just not old enough to appreciate the entirety of all tOSU history, and a lot of the great players that I wasn't alive to see.

TexasBuck;995914; said:
I voted for Harley, Griffin and "other". The other is Bill Willis. After hearing his story, I will always consider him near the top of OSU greats. It shames me that I'd only heard his story in the last couple years. At least he's finally getting some of the credit he's always been due.
Believe me, I had a hard time cutting people from the list, which could easily have reached twenty:

Bill Willis - two-time All American, first black All American, 1942 national championship, 1944 "civilian national championship", his #99 is retired

Troy Smith - Heisman Trophy winner, arguably the greatest single season for any Buckeye QB, three victories over Michigan

A.J Hawk, Randy Gradishar - both were two-time All Americans and played on great Buckeye teams, but I went with Chris Spielman because, as Grad said, "and when I think of "football player" I think of nasty, dirty, grind it out, get it done no matter what, smashmouth, leave your heart on the field...just like Spielman." If Ohio State football had a "face", it would be Chris Spielman, IMHO....

Eddie George - Heisman Trophy, Ohio State's single-season rushing leader, second in career rushing yards (but Archie Griffin was better).

Jim Parker, John Hicks - both were two-time All Americans and would probably be considered among the top 20 college linemen of all time (but Orlando Pace was better).

Mike Nugent - Ohio State's all-time leader scorer, two-time All American, holds every appreciable kicking record at Ohio State

Wes Fesler, Merle Wendt, Lew Hinchman, Michael Doss, Tom Skladany - all were three-time All Americans
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Pace & Archie were pretty easy for me... voted "Other" for my third - reserving that vote Troy. There have been so many greats, but Troy's Michigan highlights still give me goosebumps - not to mention the three wins.

Skladany, Galloway, Eddie, Hicks, Willis, Spielman and Vinnie Clark round out my top 10 all tied at 4.

Why Vinnie Clark? Becuase his MSU hit is my earliest clear memory of any Buckeye.
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I was watching a Buckeyes Greatest DVD that I got as a present about a year ago, and it made me think of this thread. Anyways, I'd be interested in seeing this poll done in another format. Instead of picking three from a very abbreviated list (no offense LBJ, I really appreciate all of the work you've put into these threads), I think something of this magnitude should be done on a similar point system as the top 25 polls.

Vote for the top 10 Greatest Buckeyes Ever, giving the best 10 points and down to 1 point for #10. This is all just hypothetical, since I'm leaving for a two week trip to Malaysia and won't be able to organize all of this, but I think this type of system gives a better outlook on the best Buckeyes ever.

Just for gits and shiggles, my poll would be:

1. Archie (10 points)
2. Chic Harley (9)
3. Parker (8)
4. Janowicz (7)
5. Hicks (6)
6. Eddie (5)
7. Pace (4)
8. Speilman (3)
9. Troy (2)
10. Cris Carter (1)

Near misses of Tatum (damn, he might belong in the top 10....), Cassady, Stillwagon, Boston, Horvath, Germaine (does have a crapload of passing records), Schlichter, Gradishar, Cousineau, and NUGE!
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Yertle;1223511; said:
Anyways, I'd be interested in seeing this poll done in another format. Instead of picking three from a very abbreviated list ... I think something of this magnitude should be done on a similar point system as the top 25 polls.
Our poll system doesn't work that way - people would list their votes in the thread, and then someone would have to collect and sort the data.

Yertle;1223511; said:
Just for gits and shiggles, my poll would be:

1. Archie (10 points)
2. Chic Harley (9)
3. Parker (8)
4. Janowicz (7)
5. Hicks (6)
6. Eddie (5)
7. Pace (4)
8. Speilman (3)
9. Troy (2)
10. Cris Carter (1)

Near misses of Tatum (damn, he might belong in the top 10....), Cassady, Stillwagon, Boston, Horvath, Germaine (does have a crapload of passing records), Schlichter, Gradishar, Cousineau, and NUGE!
Wow - Pace at #7? I'd have him at #1, with Archie at #2. For the next eight, it's pretty damned tough to decide.
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Yeah, I know the BP poll system doesn't work like that, which is why I was saying it's all hypothetical. Just me wishful thinkinging. (yes, that's a word).

Anyways, Pace at #1? Hmmmm... I guess your point being that he dominated his position more than everyone ever has in the history of ever. Yeah... But, Archie won 2 Hiesmans (I know, that's a news flash, right?). Also, maybe part of my voting goes to the fact that Archie = Buckeye Tradtion almost more than Woody = Buckeye Tradition. Granted, that doesn't really mean he was a more dominant player on the field, but it's REALLY REALLY tough to take off the scarlet glasses when we're talking about ARCHIE.

Although I tend to agree that #7 for Pace seems low, I look back at my list and I'd say that there's strong arguments for my 1-6 picks being where they are. The weakest argument might be for Eddie, considering Eddie might not be ED-DIE without Pace. Either way, the the Greatest Buckeye Ever poll could stack a top 20 poll easily.
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Is this poll asking who was the greatest during their tenure at Ohio State, their NFL play, or both? Archie takes the cake with 2 Heismans for his OSU tenure, but I'd think someone like Orlando Pace, Cris Carter (not on list), or Tatum would be in the running for their outstanding NFL careers. Orlando would be my vote for his outstanding play as both a Buckeye and a pro-bowl/super bowl winner at the next level.
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