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Who gets the Jack Tatum Hit Award for The Game?

Who will win the Jack Tatum Hit Award for The Game?

  • Tyler Everett

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Quinn Pitcock

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Anthony Schlegel

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Ashton Youboty

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Other - please specify

    Votes: 0 0.0%

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  • Poll closed .


Loves Buckeye History
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'16 & '17 Upset Contest Winner
Who gets the Jack Tatum award this week?

Who makes the best bone-rattling, slobber-knocking, crushing impact on some weasel that makes the entire team and every Buckeye fan jump up and yell:

"Hell, yeah! Kicked his ass! Now that's what I'm talkin' about!!! Go Bucks!!!

Santonio Holmes earns it by blowing a gunner out of the play when TGII returns the opening kickoff for a TD. :tongue2:

Teddy's return portends the OSU rout, and give Lllloyd his excuse for this offseason, that the officials cost him the game because Holmes clipped the UM gunner but the official didn't throw the flag.
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bucknut4life said:
salley..i can see it now..

its his last game against meatchicken, he's breakin someone in half..

Carp is gonna go unblocked lining up as DE, hits henne on his blindside, seperates his torso from his legs.

Musberger's call: You know pardner, I'd be remiss if I didn't mention a thank you to Vlade Janakievski for sending us up a case of lager from a ski lodge in Liechtenstein, Vlade always treats us ... -- uh oh! The Buckeyes are bringing the house! Bobby Carpenter and Nate Salley converge on Chad Henne off the corners, totally unblocked, and Henne is decapitated! Holy Buckeye!
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I was thinking Salley on a tipped ball rips someone's head off as Teddy Ginn picks it off, then pitches to Mangold for 6 as time runs out..but then i calmed down and figured Bobby is gonna come free off the end and Henne wont be back.
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I'm going with Kudla. He's a beast.

At one of the games I went to this year, I heard somebody use the nickname "Back Alley Salley". I LOVE that nickname. He's gonna rock somebody's universe on Sat. too.
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I went with Salley. One of Henne's high throws is going to bring back flashbacks to the Washington game in 2003, and Avant will be a long time getting back up.
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