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Who gets the Jack Tatum Hit Award for The Game?

Who will win the Jack Tatum Hit Award for The Game?

  • Tyler Everett

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Quinn Pitcock

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Anthony Schlegel

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Ashton Youboty

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  • Other - please specify

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After studying the stats (no surprise there) I am convinced that scUM's running game is going NOWHERE. While there will certainly be big hits on Henne; I think the best chance for a hit to remember is in the secondary.

Late in the game, Henne will be quick on the trigger, and will be hit as he throws the ball a time or two. At about the same point in the game, Nate will KNOW that he and the rest of the starters will be pulled out soon, so he is going to be head-hunting, knowing it's his last chance. He'll flat out knock the stench off of one of those weasels.
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Does anyone remember the annual betting as to which quarter Tatum would take out Michigan's quarterback? I think Michigan is going to be doing a lot of passing and I am hoping to see a real Tatum hit!
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