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Who do you want to play in the NC?

Who do you want in the NC?

  • Michigan

    Votes: 6 4.0%
  • USC

    Votes: 105 70.5%
  • Florida

    Votes: 24 16.1%
  • Notre Dame

    Votes: 8 5.4%
  • Arkansas

    Votes: 5 3.4%
  • West Virginia

    Votes: 1 0.7%

  • Total voters
Looking at this way:

We beat Notre Dame in the Fiesta Bowl
We beat Texas at Texas
We beat scUM in "The Game"

We have beat 3 of the biggiest power houses in college football in less than 12 months. What a better way to top it off than to beat USC in a national championship..??


However, there are 2 other games I wouldn't mind seeing.

2nd pick - Notre Dame - I only want this match up if for some crazy, retarded, stupid ass reason Brady Quinn beats out Troy for the Heisman. Watching Troy beat Bradys ass...( again ) and watch every voter ask for a re-count would be fantastic

( I doubt this would become an issue, I think Troy will run away with the hardware in New York by the biggiest margin ever... Yet again, it is Notre Dame and who knows what they will pay for )


Option 3 - scUM - If they want to cry and moan that they could beat us if given a second chance...Give it to'em. I'd love to watch another ass beating.

I'd really hate for this to happen, but I also dont want anyone questioning our National Championship. What happend on Saturday was the biggiest, greatiest game I have ever been a part of and I'd hate for it to become a "meaningless" game by having a rematch.

I really only want this if Mike Hart and or another scUM player decides to run there mouth again. The score board was close, much closer than the game truely was. If it wasn't for some odd miscues by us... and some help by a few ref's ( Matter of opinion ), the score wouldn't have been close enough for Hart to think about firing off the comments he made.

That being said..scUM has a great team and if there in second in the BCS when all is said and done... Lets watch Troy go 4 for 4!!

( Question :: If there is a rematch and tOSU plays flat ( doubt it...) and loses..Do we get to ask for game 3? ... Didn't think so..., scUM have fun in the Rose Bowl. )


Bottom line, who ever is in 2nd in the BCS is who I want to play. I know Troy and the boys can beat anyone ( even if it is twice ) on any given day and I don't want anyone in the country to question who the best team in the NCAA is.
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With the current BCS math, it's pretty much going to have to be USC or TSUN. That's fine, because I want USC anyway. They are clearly the best team in the country other than OSU, TSUN and Texas w/McCoy.

Go Trojans. Crush the Irish...please!
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While probably not possible by this point, I wouldn't mind playing ND, because I personally think it would be a blowout, and I would love to personally get a chance to see the golden boy get one last ass-whooping from OSU before going to the NFL. Not to mention it would be nice to see Troy show up Quinn 4 months before the draft.

But other than that, bring on USC or Florida. Either would be a fun game, and scUM does NOT deserve another chance to play OSU when they just lost saturday.
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I'd like to see either Florida or USC. I know some UF fans I'd like to shut up... and I'm sick of seeing USC get into the NC game every year, but I do think they're the better team of the two.

I'm hoping one of them wins out and jumps over michigan... i certainly don't want a rematch, even though it'd be another instant classic.
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USC. Troy hasn't beaten them yet. And Tressel hasn't beaten Pete Carrol.

Carrol's a decent coach and a good recruiter, but put him across the field from the sweater vest and see if he doesn't lose his cool.

If asked by a non-Buckeye fan, though, I would just tell the, I don't care WHO we play. To say we DON"T want to play someone might be viewed by scUMmers or others as fearing them, and I don't think Tressel or the team fear anyone.

Note: if we played scUM again, chances are the turnovers would be equal or maybe we even get a couple of picks, and instead of a 40-40 thriller it's a 40 to 13 thumpin' of the Wolverwhines. Hart has been beaten by OSU three times, but we are at our best when Tressel has 5 weeks to prepare, and scheme and plan.

5-1 against scUM. 4-1 in bowls. Is there a better coach in CFB??

Go Buckeyes!
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Oh8ch;666229; said:

Texas, USC and OSU are arguably the premier programs in the counry right now. Beating the other two in one season would be priceless - as well as providing a recruiting boost (to the extent that is needed). And this is the year - experienced Smith vs young Booty. It would also be a more competitive matchup IMO.

But anybody but Michigan works for me.

I picked USC for this exact same reason.
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