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Where does this win rank?

yt6;601676; said:
Just curious where you thought this win ranks in terms of all time regular season wins for the Bucks. For me it's probably number 2. Number one is the 2002 win at home against Michigan. That was the win that got us over the hump with Michigan and on to the Title. I put this second. Number three is probably the 1995 win over Notre Dame. Just curious where others would rank it

It's up there. Besides the revenge factor and in part because of the pride and parochialism of both Texas and Ohio, the game was a bit more than just Ohio State vs. Texas. It was Ohio vs. Texas, the Big Ten vs. the Big 12, and even the North vs. the South. Its ultimate significance will hinge in part on what the Bucks do with the rest of the season. If they repeat Texas' feat from last year, it has to go down as one of (and maybe even the) most significant home-and-home intersectional series of all-time. Regardless of outcomes, I'm proud of both programs for having the stones to set up this series and of tOSU for setting up similar matchups with teams like USC, Miami, and OU in the future.
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i was sitting here wondering to myself about the significance of this win, and i'm, not sure we'll know 'til later... i think that considering the stakes, and how absolutely sick i was with nervous anticipation as it kicked off, and then the relative ease with which the Horns were dispatched on their home turf- and let us not forget that Texas has an OUTSTANDING team, it certainly is impressive...
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huge win importance wise or not, it was by far the most dominating performance against a top notch team since i've been alive. we kicked the absolute crap out of them tonight. i kept holding my breath thinking texas was going to make a push but every time we needed to get something done we did. that drive at the end of the first half was UNBELIEVABLE. what a way to make a statement. the texas fans were so demoralized at half time. i was smoking a cig outside with them and they looked scared to death! then the first play of the second half was a pick. what a game, what a game. lets just bask in the glory for a few days and not get ahead of ourselves. one game at a time gents.

btw, i cant get that damn texas song out of my head... the eyes of texas are upon you all the live long day (i've been working on the railroad_) it just keeps repeating in my head over and over and over. i must have heard it over one hundred times today.
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Number 1 is:

NCAA champion Ohio State Buckeyes: 1969 Rose Bowl

The 1969 Rose Bowl game brought together the undefeated and number 1 ranked Ohio State Buckeyes and the number 2 ranked USC Trojans for the National Championship. USC Heisman Trophy winner O.J. Simpson finished the game with 171 yards and a touchdown, but it wasn't enough to bring home the title.
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Regular season, in my lifetime as a Buckeye fan, most impressive?

1954... Favored Michigan roars into town. Defense holds them for four downs inside the four!. Next play Hop Cassedy breaks it off tackle and down the east side line to mid field and Bucks proceed to roll. Woody's first National Championship.

1957... At #1 Iowa, trailing and then Woody unleashes Bob White and the big guy rumbles and rumbles and the Bucks win going away.

1963... #1 Wisconsin, with Pat Richter and Ron Vanderkellen, comes in to town. Woody pulls Paul Warfield off of offense and has him cover Richter. Richter gets one catch for six or seven yards and the Bucks roll.

1972 (?) #1 Michigan rolls into town, OSU is banged up and a decided underdog, asked if all Ohio high school players go to Michigan, Tim Franklin shoots off his mouth, "Only the best ones." Defense repeats the 1954 goal line stand, then holds them for 3 downs more inside the 15. Bo decides to go for the tieing field goal and Lantry (?) shanks it. HUGE upset in the series.

1995 - 96 Really putting it on Ron Paulus, Lou Holtz, Bob Davies, Regis and the rest of the ND Glitter crowd. Paulus was getting so much hype and the cameras kept closing in on him revealing him as a genuine, pain-in-the-ass crybaby. Sweet.

This certainly ranks up there with those games... it's unfortunate that it was only the second game of the season so we really don't know if the game was that big. If Texas runs the table, then this was huge.
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I'd nominate the win in Norman OK as another high profile game that matches up well with last night's game. Eerily similar circumstances.

Turning away #1 Iowa when the Buckeyes were getting no respect, bottling up Long on a rainy day in the Shoe, has to be on any list of best games.

We are spoilt for choice in making such a list!
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cincibuck;601899; said:
Regular season, in my lifetime as a Buckeye fan, most impressive?{/quote}

Don't forget 1968 vs. Purdue. Tatum squashes Leroy Keyes throughtout the 13-0 revenge game victory. Of more recent vintage, 2001 at Michigan is one of the most important OSU victories I've ever seen. That's the win that gave Tressel his first big shot of credibility with the Buckeye nation and truly marked the end of the Cooper era vs. Michigan.
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This has to be way up there. #1 playing a true road game at number #2 is very rare. And I think this is the first time the visitor has won in that scenario.

The '69 Rose Bowl is still probably tops. With the '02-'03 Fiesta Bowl and ND '95.
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My personal favorites:

1. 2004 Alamo Bowl - My FIRST Buckeye game. Got to see AJ Hawk, Ted Ginn Jr, and Nuggent. One of my favorite days ever getting to go to that game and watch them beat the snot out of OK State. Amazing experience to be apart of that crowd and that game.
2. 2006 Texas - Because of the fact that I LIVE in Texas and have to deal with UT garbage everyday, this is one of my most favorite wins ever.
3. 2005 Michigan - Down late in the game and Troy Smith and Anthony Gonazles and Pittman take it in for the win. I'll always remeber going crazy in my apartment that afternoon.
4. 2002 Purdue - The Holy Buckeye play. What more can I say? THAT was an amazing game.

... From the past two seasons that's where they rank for me.
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moomsalon;602122; said:
last night's game was boring. overhyped texas team that'll be lucky to win 10 games. ABC did a great job of hyping this one up.

Yeah, it was real boring watching our boys going down into the defending national champs' stadium and getting revenge for last year, and beating one of the best defenses in the country while doing so... :roll1:
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MililaniBuckeye;602128; said:
Yeah, it was real boring watching our boys going down into the defending national champs' stadium and getting revenge for last year, and beating one of the best defenses in the country while doing so... :roll1:

beating one of the best defenses [minus 1/2 of the starting secondary] in the country while doing so... :oh::io:
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This is a top 5 all time win.

And the real beauty is how it could positively effect our out of state recruiting!
We will have a monster recruiting year!

Not to mention how positive the program looked.
Gets rid of some of the MC tarnish nationally.
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