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Where did you first start posting on forums?

I stumbled across a good general board around 1994. 95% women, random "open discussion" topics and a heck of a lot of poetry. Fun people... we got together for lunch a couple of times in DC and had a blast. I lost track of them when I took my last job, and the board is gone now.

Posted just a bit on BN, mostly in the Al Gore and gameday threads.
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Oh c'mon where are the people that first started on message boards for sex? :biggrin:

I started back in college around 1994/1995 on the old ESPN message board systems. Or I could tell you the truth and say it was a cybersex message board I found where I it was like shooting fish in a bucket banging college girls left and right. But then I would wake up.
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It was a try before you buy software type of board that has since been closed and merged at least three times. It was probably right around 1997 that I found it. Earlier I had posted on some obscure text boards but it was not as much fun.

I found BN to follow tOSU recruiting. I just watched to get updates but like so many others once I drank the Kool Aid it was a downward spiral.

Hi, I am an NSB and I am a paintchipaholic.
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Actually, I've never even visited Bucknuts. I get tempted to see what the big deal is quite a bit, but never actually put forth the effort to type it into my browser. How's that for lazy?
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