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What will the preseason top 5 look like for next year?

1. Michigan
2. LSU
3. USC
4. Texas
5. Florida

Ohio State will be in the top 10 just based on reputation, but replacing a quarterback in college football is the most difficult task. Texas and USC got lucky this year with their QBs, but even they struggled. Florida will get a lot hype because of Tebow's success as a freshman - that and that Percy Harvin fellow is pretty darn good.
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StadiumDorm;681446; said:
Ohio State will be in the top 10 just based on reputation, but replacing a quarterback in college football is the most difficult task. Texas and USC got lucky this year with their QBs, but even they struggled. Florida will get a lot hype because of Tebow's success as a freshman - that and that Percy Harvin fellow is pretty darn good.

it usually is...but with JT we will contend for Big Ten again.
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Assuming that, Henne, Hart, Long, Branch don't turn pro, their offense will be good again, but will they be able to re-load their defense like we did this year?

Im assuming Branch will be gone, some teams have him ranked pretty highly.

Long doesn't have much of a choice, he's a senior...
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smitty03;681454; said:
Im assuming Branch will be gone, some teams have him ranked pretty highly.

Long doesn't have much of a choice, he's a senior...

Long is only a RS JR, although he may make the jump.

77 Jake Long OL 6-7 331 5/9/1985 JR*Lapeer, MI (Lapeer East Senior HS)

Another guy that MI loses on D who was not mentioned earlier is Burgess.
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Long will stay...

UM will get a lot of love for bringing Hart/Henne back, but that defense isnt going to be near as good as it was this year...

I like USC too, but b4 you make a decision on them you have to look at who will go early to the draft.

Florida - not set on Tebow as an every down qb.

Louisville/WVU - I think Bush will go the NFL so that will leave Brohm @ Louisville. I believe that Slaton/White both return for WVU so in the defense-less Big Least WVU is going to be ranked up there, b/c they have Louisville @ home and my guess is they don't have any tough games on their schedule OOC.

I have heard that Russell is leaning towards the pros. We shall see, but just another team in the SEC that probably wont run the table. Too many tough places to play, unless they have a favorable schedule.

A team to look out for might be Wisconsin, they lose their mauler of a left tackle, and not sure if they are upperclassmen heavy, but I like what Bielima is doing up there. Can they compete with the big boys tOSU and scUM(probably not)

Us - I think too many people are discrediting us b/c we lose Troy. Our schedule sets up very nicely for us. I don't see us losing to Washington and then our tough games don't come till later in the year after we sort the QB problem out...I think Boeckman is more than capable and his dad was a high school coach. You have to like kids like that. Also the weapons around him are crazy good...O yeah and return all of our D besides the middle DT's, BMitch, Smith. Washington will be a nice fill in for Smith, Denlinger will do a helluva job @ one DT and Russell will be back to man the other safety.
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korchiki;681479; said:
IMO Long is gone...a lot of mock drafts have him going in the first round...
Scuttlebutt is that Long and Branch are staying, and Crable is leaving (financial problems). I'll believe it on Branch when I see it, but then Watson stayed an extra year when he clearly should've left early, so who knows.

I expect our DL will be strong as we had excellent depth this year and have recruited quite well, but our back 7 is going to be very suspect. Our OL could have problems, but Steve Schilling and Justin Boren may be panning out fast.
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Our rank will depend on the Jr.'s. Who leaves and who stays? Ted Ginn and AG would make the transition on a new QB much easier. Pittman will be the Sr. leader. Any chance Barton leaves (I haven't even started looking at the NFL prospect stuff yet)?

Who is the early favorite to win the starting QB job? One consideration on this, we are not bringing in a true or even a RS freshman for this position. Boeckman and Schoenhoft have been around the program for a few years now. Sure there is transition anxiety, but comparing us to Texas is not a fair compairson. These 2 know the system and Henton should be getting there too.
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