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What song are you listening to right now

wadc45 K-Os - B-Boy Stance is a great song by a canadian product so i have to give you props for that choice. I personally am i rock guy but K-Os is one of those artists that you have to love no matter what genre of music they are. Anyways right now i'm listening to My Chemical Romance - The ghost of you and Nirvana - Opinion (off with the lights out)
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greatwhitenorth said:
wadc45 K-Os - B-Boy Stance is a great song by a canadian product so i have to give you props for that choice. I personally am i rock guy but K-Os is one of those artists that you have to love no matter what genre of music they are. Anyways right now i'm listening to My Chemical Romance - The ghost of you and Nirvana - Opinion (off with the lights out)

Agreed...Joyful Rebellion is a great CD from start to finish.

Vendetta Red - Shiver
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