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What song are you listening to right now

I was about to post the same thing...most people don't know it's The Gourds...

The Flaming Lips - Race For The Prize (Peter Mokran Mix)

John Frusciante - Failure33 Object
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Golferdow01 said:
Actually I did know that but the Phish version is the one that came up on the Winamp shuffle, but thanks for the info :)

...at least it wasn't the Snoop Dogg version :wink2:
I could be wrong, but I don't think that there is a phish version...Thats just the name that gets put on many mp3's because people don't know who the gourds are and they sound close enough to phish...not to mention phish's habbit of unique covers. Regardless, it really doesn't matter, I just feel the need to stick up for the local Austin boys, and you are dead on with the snoop comment

Wilco - Red eyed and Blue
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High Lonesome said:
I could be wrong, but I don't think that there is a phish version...Thats just the name that gets put on many mp3's because people don't know who the gourds are and they sound close enough to phish...not to mention phish's habbit of unique covers. Regardless, it really doesn't matter, I just feel the need to stick up for the local Austin boys, and you are dead on with the snoop comment

Wilco - Red eyed and Blue
ehh who knows...I'll search for the Gourds version and compare...of course the version is live to I probably won't be able to
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