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What song are you listening to right now

Whiskey Lullaby-Brad Paisley and Alison Krauss. This song is beautiful, but highly f'ed up......I was driving by one of my local watering holes at 12:30m this afternoon and felt like(but didn't)going in and having a shot of Jack after listening to the song...
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Hey BMax, have you seen the Audioslave special on Fuse? If so, what do you think of how Cornell sounds live?
Yep saw it. He sounds pretty good, however not as good as he used to sound. Can definitely tell his voice has suffered a bit over the years. I saw Soundgarden at Palooza back in the early 90's, and my god did he sound incredible. Think that was 92 or 93, is a bit hazy :)

Fear Factory - Digimortal
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Speaking of voices, has anyone else noticed Scott Weiland's voice improve lately? I think it hit a low on the album "Tiny Music..." and then get much better since. Not normal you see a rocker's voice improve like that

Dead and Bloated - STP
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