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It doesn't sound official, but what in the hell else are D'Arcy and James Iha doing now...

Corgan Pushes Pumpkins Reunion
June 21, 2005

In the wake of Billy Corgan's solo debut today, TheFutureEmbrace, the former Smashing Pumpkins' frontman took out a full page ad in this morning's Chicago Tribune, in which he declared, borrowing a hint of a verse from Siamese Dream's "Hummer," "I want you to be among the first to know that I have made plans to renew and revive the Smashing Pumpkins. I want my band back, and my songs, and my dreams." There is no mention in the ad of any of the other Pumpkins and Pumpkin cohorts -- including original members bassist D'Arcy Wretzky, guitarist James Iha, drummer Jimmy Chamberlin, and D'Arcy's replacement, former Hole bassist Melissa auf der Maur -- or word about how they feel about Corgan's reunion whims. Corgan says in the ad that when the Pumpkins disbanded, he thought they were over for good. "When I played the final Smashing Pumpkins show on the night of December 2, 2000, I truly believed that I was forever leaving a piece of my life behind...[but] I found that my heart is in Chicago, and that my heart is in the Smashing Pumpkins."
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