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What is your opinion of Bose equipment?

Overpriced, underpowered. Their Quiet Comfort headphones are pretty sweet, but other than that you're shelling out big bucks for speakers that don't sound that good. Polk, Yamaha, and Onkyo all sound just as good for TONS less. If you're looking at a home theater system, consider researching and buying each component separately. AVSforums.com is a good resource.
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You'd be better off with some Wilson Audio Watt/Puppy 7

They sell them at Progressive Audio down on High Street

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In college I had 2 DCM towers that had 2-12's 1-6 and a 3/4 tweeter. Coupled with a 200 watt Signet Subwoofer. The Towers ran at 2 ohms.

I burnt out about 2 receivers during parties unitl I got a two channel Yamaha that could handle them.
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Willie: I love my Yamaha receiver. Some not-so-much. Do you still have it?

I like my speakers a lot. I don't claim to be an expert on audio equipment, but they do pretty well for what I ask them to do. And they were affordable.
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