i got the best two names for this one and some decent story on both. long post but definitely worth the read.
back at my last plastics job we were getting the plant iso certified and the lab certified as well. QMI in canada did both of our audits and both of these names come from QMI and as far as i know they still both work there.
first audit (9001) was with an asian chick that did audits for some of our other plants, her name was fanny ho. we just called her the asian anal gangbang queen. worse yet she drank her pop funny rumor had it. she loved iced tea so i got her some of those big ass bottles with the wide mouth top when i was picking up a meat and cheese plate and some donuts and other shit for the conference room. anyways she didn't/doesn't put her lips up to the bottle and drink like normal people, far from it. the asian anal gangbang queen actually wraps her lips all the way around the bottle and tries to drink it like that (which isn't easy since she has airtight liplock on it). moderately funny especially when you look around the conference room which is otherwise 100% male and try not to laugh at your auditor.
yeah, that is bad enough for awful name 1 of 2 from QMI but i got more good story on fanny ho. the guy in charge of our iso department is named jim. behind his back and whatnot though he is known as gay jim so as to not be confused with the one foreman jim (apparently last name wasn't identifying enough). anyways one day for lunch we ordered food from a bar that i have drank at occasionally. we all ordered standard bar type food. gay jim and fanny ho both ordered a side order of cheesesticks with cocktail sauce. me, i call it marinara but i'm no fag or asian pornstar wannabe so what the hell do i know. i volunteered to go to the bar and pick up lunch for all of us. the food wasn't ready so i had a beer while i waited. the bartender brought me a box with all of our food in it and kind of laughed when he did. so anyways i go back to work and start to hand out the food. the fucking bartender labeled both orders of cheese sticks as this "cheesestix w/ cock sauce". i couldn't help but laughing as i gave gay jim and fanny ho their cheesetix with cock sauce. gay jim was cool though and got the joke, fanny ho the foreigner in a foreign land now in america was totally clueless. i was just glad she didn't deepthroat the cheesesticks or lick off the cock sauce seductively.
that is the fanny ho story. now for funny name 2 of 2 from QMI.
we are going through another audit something like 6 months later this time for our lab (iso 17025). fanny ho was unavailable to audit this time so they sent us a new auditor, name peter holden. i thought it was a joke but it was his name. no funny stories with him (he was kind of an ass honestly). he rushed through the audit and was able to leave a day early. so he calls the airport from the conference room as we are wrapping up and looks in to changing his flight. he gives him his name and it is actually c. peter holden. the fuckers name is charles peter holden and he chooses to be c. peter holden.
i still carry both of their business cards with me everywhere i go just so i can tell these stories.