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What games this year worry you the most?

1. Texas. In Texas. They don't have their superman (Vince Young), but Ohio State doesn't have their superMEN (Hawk, Schlegal, and Carpenter). Ohio State may have to do something that they haven't had to do since 1998: rely on their offense to win some games. And their offense is going against a tough defense. When its a kick-ass offense against a kick-ass defense, I'd tend to pick the defense to win. Hopefully, though, Ohio State's defense can beat Texas's offense more than Texas's defense beats Ohio State's offense.

2. Iowa. I think Drew Whats-His-Name is still there. He basically showed Ohio State what the losing end of an ass-whoopin' looks like in 2004. Of course, Ohio State returned the favor last year. Who wins the rubber match?

3. Michigan State. They've got a quarterback who can do just about anything except actually win the games. If this is the year he figures that out, opposing defenses are in trouble.

4. Michigan. Not necessarily SO worried about this one. It's in Columbus. But if Henne can find his new Braylon Edwards, and one of Ohio State's secondary can be exploited, I can see a 3-touchdown fourth quarter for Michigan.

5. Penn State. They make my top 5 by default. There's no one else even close. This game will be early in the year, and the fans will be wanting revenge for last year. This game will be very similar to last year's Iowa game, in pre-game hype and in the outcome.

6-11. Everyone else. Northern Illinois has a good running game, but Ohio State will score more. Cincinnati - didn't they lose to Army a year or two ago? Indiana, Illinois, Bowling Green - uhhhh. Northwestern - 2004 was a fluke. This game might be as close as it was in 2002, but I foresee a game more like 2003.
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I agree Michigan State always plays us tough. Michigan State has had a history of folding late in the season; and unfortunately, we play them on 14 Oct (early in the Big 10 schedule). We get them in East Lansing the week after they play Michigan in Ann Arbor. If Michigan beats them, they are sure to be "pissed off" when they play us. Also, Stanton is a very good quarterback; probably the second best (behind Troy) in the Big 10.
Sparty loses the game after they play TSUN quite frequently, regardless of whether or not they beat TSUN... of course, its seems that more often than not, they play the Buckeyes immediately after TSUN (talk about a brutal schedule!), but the fact remains that they've lost ten of the last 15 games that followed their game against the Blue.

i dunno... just wanted to calm you down a bit...
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Iowa! They are gonna make it their signature game of the year!
It's a total setup game like at PSU last year!
It's the week after Penn State also.

I think Troy will be the difference in Austin.

scUM is always dangerous, but we got them at home.
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The thing that is bothering me about scUM state is that we play them fairly early in the year - hopefully our D has gelled by then. With a young D and Sparty's high powered O, it's a bit scary - hopefully we will not have to wait 8 weeks to watch the O come together and we can put them away early and take the crowd out of it. scUM is later, and while still scary, I think our D will have gelled by then, our O will be unstoppable, and we'll prevail. A scUM victory at home is a given:biggrin: . Krimeny, is it Sept. 2nd yet?

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All the days in August.

Once the season starts, if we stay healthy, nobody's beating us!

I agree with the healthy part, but worry about the psychological aspect.
Texas is huge even for the revenge factor though both teams are different this year.
Penn State important for the very same reason revenge.
The big game is always the big game. It can define a season.
I am worrying about Iowa. They are placing a lot of emphasis on the game and I hope people don't assume a win over them.

If we stay healthy I look forward to another trip to the NC. We have the talent, skill and determination!
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I am worrying about Iowa. They are placing a lot of emphasis on the game and I hope people don't assume a win over them.

I don't think there are too many fans assuming a win at Iowa after the beating we took last time we were there. On the contrary, especially after viewing this thread, OSU fans are also placing a lot of emphasis on the Iowa game. If we beat Iowa we have the inside track to the Big10 title and a possible National Championship birth... lose that game and we are hoping for a few slip-ups for either/both to happen.
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Iowa or Waterloo?

Glad to see someone else is looking at the big picture.
I would hate to look too far forward and get blindsided. There are no give me's in the Big 10. OOPS Golden Gophers.. But Iowa worries me.

I want to see the Hawkeyes hunted to extinction and then just take every game as they come. After the Texas and Penn State games I think we will have a good idea of how we will perform against Iowa.
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Our toughest game this year will be Iowa--Kinnick is a ridiculously tough place to play at any time, but coupled with our dismantling of them last season and the fact that this will be a night game could spell trouble. UT will be tough, but I'd be more worried if the game were later in the season when their QBs had some experience. PSU is no worry at all--after last season's game, we're hungry and we'll take out the kind of revenge at home on them that we took out against NU (48-7) and Iowa (31-6) last year.
Our toughest games:

1. Iowa
2. UT
3. scUM
4. MSU
5. Minnesota
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