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What does this game and being a Buckeye Fan mean to you

what does it mean to me? well, we were on an unprecedented winning streak within the Big Ten. as we all know, all streaks must come to an end. i mean, there's no way it can go on forever. as the season progressed, and as the streak kept getting longer and longer, i just kept reminding myself that the odds of it continuing another week grow exponentially. sure, on the surface, every game is a 50/50 proposition, but the odds of winning 21 or 22 in a row are very, VERY high against. let's put it this way. if you placed a $20 bet on the Buckeyes in the first game of the Big Ten win streak and rolled it over for the next 19, with the sports book's standard 10% vig, you would collect $11,560,409 after the Wisconsin game. the collection if we had beaten the Illini? more than $20 MILLION. there isn't a book on the planet that will take that kind of action!

all that being said, i'm certainly glad that we got that loss out of the way against Illinois. it means we can start the next streak this week against scUM.
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Way off topic but how did you get that....I am sure I am doing something wrong but don't know what. I am thinking it has something to do with the 10% the bookie takes. I calculated it by Orignal + Winnings *.90. Week 1 I assume after betting 20.00 you win so your take home would be 36. Week 2 you bet 36 and win 36 with a take home of $64.80

Having said all that OSU would have beat the spread that many weeks in a row which is unheard of as well.
Week 21 was like 4.89 million
Week 22 was like 8.26 million
Week 23 was like 14.86 million

Nonetheless what an awesome streak we had and the numbers really jump out at ya huh
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i did each game individually, but you're right. i screwed up the very first week which threw everything off.

edit: week one, the take home would be 20+(20*.90)= $38. week 2, the take home would be 38+(38*.90)=... etc...

(20 + 18) + (38 - 3.80) + (72.20 - 7.22) + (137.18 - 13.72) + (260.64 - 26.06) + (495.22 - 49.52) + (940.92 - 94.09) +

(1787.75 - 178.78) + (3396.72 - 339.67) + (6453.77 - 645.38) + (12262.16 - 1226.22) + (23298.10 - 2329.81) +

(44266.39 - 4426.64) + (84106.14 - 8410.61) + (159801.57 - 15980.16) + (303623.08 - 30362.31) + (575883.85 - 57588.38)

+(1095179.32 - 109517.93) + (2080840.71 - 208084.07) + (3953957.35 - 395395.74) = 7512158.96
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To me, the game and being a fan brings back memories of being a kid, sitting in the living room with my dad and my brother. We would sit and "bother" my dad with question all game long. Now that I'm older, my sons do the same to me. So I guess its a right of passage, if that makes sense. Its about tradition, and growing up

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This game meant nothing to me early in my life. Hell, sometimes I would root for the skunkbears just to piss off my dad (we're talking when i was like 6 or 7). Then I moved away from Ohio and that make me realize how proud I was to be from Ohio. My first year away I dove head first into OSU football and watched every game. That year was 1995. We ran the table and were all set to go to the Rose Bowl and Michigan beat us. I hadn't felt pain like that before in my life except when my grandma passed. (yes, I am lucky that I haven't lost many loved ones) I actually locked myself in my room all night and wouldn't talk to anyone. So, every year when it is scUM week the only thing I can think of is the extreme frustration and anger they caused me that year and how bad I want to beat them so I never feel like that again. its a long time to hold a grudge, but hey it's Michigan. My blood literally boils every year when the TV first cuts to Michigan taking the field and I see those ugly ass helmets. Bring 'em on baby!
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It means a lot...

Being a Buckeye outside of Ohio, having tOSU football is a connection to home. As a student I don't think that I appreciated it as much... even as a younger adult I didn't appreciate it. If I had to guess it was more because of Coop and being a bit down on the 'program' with him at the wheel than anything.

Now with boys being raised in Chicagoland, having 13 weeks a year where my boys and I get the chance to celebrate being Buckeyes together is a way for us all to connect (the wife is included in that, but she's a BW grad).

We had the chance to be back in Cols this summer to spend time with family and friends. One of our friends who is a prof there asked us what we wanted to do one day and my response was very quick, "I'd like to all go back down to campus and spend the day... take everyone over to Mirror Lake and the Shoe."

So we did. One of the greatest days of my life. Being able to kick around campus and not have to worry about an exam :wink: It was during that trip that it all came to me that the spirit that I have as a Buckeye is in as much as having a great team to root for as it is a matter of having a bond with home. Root for a team... or maybe just my roots. Don't know, don't care. Just glad that it's a part of my life.

Anyhow, one of the best memories from the trip down to campus was getting into the stadium. A gate was left open and we all went in to look at the stadium. We were basically all alone in the shoe and to watch my 5 and 3 year old boys in there and understand where they were and what it was all about was great. Just look at my avitar... that's not posed. They took a couple of minutes, themselves, to just look at the shoe for all that it is. I'd never in a million years be able to get another shot like that again. I'm just thankful that I got the shot when I did.

Also took the fam to the Purdue game this year because the boys were really begging to get to a game. They had to settle for an away game but next year I'm hoping to get three generations into the shoe to create a memory that I'm sure will last a life time.

So, what's it all mean? It's a connection to home and a connection to my family. Two of the most important things in my life. The things that make me who I am today. Things for which I'll be forever greatful. I hope that when it's all said and done that my boys will have the same kind of memories of tOSU experiences with their dad as I have with mine.

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