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What does Stewie say in the Family Guy theme?

What does Stewie say in the Family Guy theme song?

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:)To tell you the truth, if you look at the lyrics it says 'Laugh and cry' on it. Stewie has an accent so it sounds different. Listen closely and you can understand that. It goes: Lois: It seems today that all you see. Is violence in movies and sex on TV. Peter: But where are those good old fashioned values. All: On which we used to rely?. Luckily there's a Family Guy. Luckily there's a man who. Positively can do. All the things that make us... Stewie: Laugh and cry. All: He's a fam-ily guy
Which makes much more sense than effin' cry :)
This is mine and many more people's oppinions. Hope I helped somebody :)
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according to some stupid guy named Seth Macfarlane, it's laugh and cry. i think he does a voice for the show or something.......:p
WHAT THE CRAP? 'according to some stupid guy named Seth Macfarlane, it's laugh and cry. i think he does a voice for the show or something.......:p' ??!! Seth MacFarlane is the voice of Stewie, Peter, Brian and Quaqmire and he's also the writer/creater of the show?!! How is that stupid? Lol. So if Seth MacFarlane said it's laugh and cry, than it is. That's all the proof we need, the creater, the main voices. Settled.......It has been, is, and always will be Laugh and cry people!
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FGrokz-Gurl;1735547; said:
:)To tell you the truth, if you look at the lyrics it says 'Laugh and cry' on it. Stewie has an accent so it sounds different. Listen closely and you can understand that. It goes: Lois: It seems today that all you see. Is violence in movies and sex on TV. Peter: But where are those good old fashioned values. All: On which we used to rely?. Luckily there's a Family Guy. Luckily there's a man who. Positively can do. All the things that make us... Stewie: Laugh and cry. All: He's a fam-ily guy
Which makes much more sense than effin' cry :)
This is mine and many more people's oppinions. Hope I helped somebody :)
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That's you're oppinion.
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Mark it effin', Effin' Cry!
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