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What Are the Top 5 College Football Programs of All Time?

What Are the Top 5 College Football Programs of All Time?

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That is an awesome poll question. No matter how you rate the programs, you leave at least a few worthy teams out.

In my mind, you have to have OSU. If you have OSU, you pretty much have to have Michigan. Despite troubles in the modern era, you probably include ND. I think you have to have USC. Oklahoma probably beats out Nebraska, so that would be my top 5, but man you have a good argument for including Alabama
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Ohio St. all-time win pctg.-.711(only .001 behind 3rd place)
USC all-time win pctg.-.700

Too big of a difference for me to put them ahead of Ohio St.

They have more valid NCs, lead the all-time series with us 11-9, and when they're good they're flat out dominant. And we're actually .001 behind a tie for third (Texas and Alabama are both .712). I edged USC just ahead of us because they waxed our ass they last two times we played and have won the last five.
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1. Notre Dame(if we go by all-time success)
2. Ohio State(more consistently puts out good teams than USC imo)
3. USC(always a great team and especially lately)
4. Michigan(I hate them but hey they've always been pretty good)
5. Nebraska(surprised they didn't get more votes because they had a period before the last 3-4 years where they were pretty dominant)
Right outside- Oklahoma
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They have more valid NCs, lead the all-time series with us 11-9, and when they're good they're flat out dominant. And we're actually .001 behind a tie for third (Texas and Alabama are both .712). I edged USC just ahead of us because they waxed our ass they last two times we played and have won the last five.

Good points. Just one thing about the head-to-head records, they really don't mean much when comparing programs unless it's lopsided.
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OregonBuckeye;566321; said:
I'll go top 10.

1. Notre Dame
3. Alabama
4. Ohio State
5. Oklahoma
6. USC
7. Texas
8. Nebraska
9. Tennessee
10. Penn St.

I'd like to update my list. :biggrin: With Ohio St. moving up to 3rd all-time in win pctg, adding another Heisman trophy, and on the verge of winning it's 8th NC this year I'm moving them up to #3 all-time.

1. Notre Dame
3. Ohio State
4. Oklahoma
5. USC
6. Alabama
7. Texas
8. Nebraska
9. Tennessee
10. Penn St.(they're in danger of falling out of my top 10 though).
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