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What Are the Top 5 College Football Programs of All Time?

What Are the Top 5 College Football Programs of All Time?

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Milli and Dubs covered Bama. Thanks guys.

Concerning Nebraska:

1. They have 5 national championships
2. They were one of the most dominant teams in CFB in the 70's, 80's
and 90's.
3. They pretty much owned the 90's with 3 National Championships.
4. They also have, if IIRC, the most 10 win consecutive seasons in CFB history. I forget the actual number, but it's pretty impressive. If anyone has that info, I'd appreciate it.
5. They also have amazing tradition and fan base, which I also included in my picks. They are probably in the top 3 when it comes to fan base, and could arguably be considered the top school in this area since the state of Nebraska only has Nebraska football to root for. They have had a sell out crowd for decades and getting a ticket to a Nebraska game is VERY difficult.
6. They had two great coaches in Devine and Osborne.
7. The Nebraska vs Oaklahoma game was called "The Game of the Century"
for a reason.

Hope that helps you understand my choice.
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scarletngray;688057; said:
Concerning Nebraska:

4. They also have, if IIRC, the most 10 win consecutive seasons in CFB history. I forget the actual number, but it's pretty impressive. If anyone has that info, I'd appreciate it.
Nebraska has 25 10-win seasons overall, but their longest consecutive streak of 10-win seasons was only five, occurring from the period of 1993-1997. That isn't even in the same discussion as Florida State's record 14, from 1987-2000. Second to FSU is Miami, which ran off eight consecutive 10-win seasons from 1985-1992, with Jimmy Johnson and Dennis Erickson splitting the run with 4 10-win seasons apiece. I believe third place falls to Steve Spurrier's Florida Gators from 1993-1998, a run of six seasons.

Mack Brown can tie Florida on this list this season by beating Iowa in the Alamo Bowl, giving UT a run of six seasons which began in 2001. Pete Carroll is a year behind him, with his dominant run at USC taking off in 2002.
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I voted in no particular order
Notre Dame
Ohio State
and with much debate:
Nebraska. I think I might be change my mind on the last one. My picks are awfully midwest-centric and I feel like I should have gone out west for at least one. I feel like in general most of us are more familiar with the midwest that's why we picked those teams. I feel as if I don't have a choice for those other 4. I don't understand how for instance anyone could pick Texas over Oklahoma.
Not talking Ohio State, Notre Dame and Oklahoma were the easiest choices. Lots of history at both. In fact I think OU compares well with OSU when you look at players history and recent success.
Notre Dame and Alabama are similar to me: very storied but mediocre recent results. I think If you take one you have to take the other.
For me after that its a toss-up between USC, scUM, and Nebraska Each with flaws. USC had let downs in the late 80s-90s.
scUM while always one of the best teams in the nation almost never got to the top while Nebraska isn't probably as good as Wisconsin anymore. And like I said earlier due to my proabable midwest bias I would now go with USC for the final spot. But to me Nebby and weasels have good arguments.
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