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Welcome to all polite and intelligent Oregon fans! (Trolls, you have no place here!)

You will find that this community is respectful, insightful, intelligent, and well-moderated. The moderators are actually very intelligent and knowledgeable folks who put in a lot of work to bring us lots of valuable, well-researched information and keep the house in order. I have learned a lot here. There's lots of critical thinking and dissecting each other's ideas here, as well as some intelligent humor.

Please do not use any vulgar cuss words. (Instead, say scUM, TSUN, or M*ch*g*n.) And you may express your dislike for Rich Rodriguez, Charlie Weiss, or Mark May in their respective threads! (In fact, this is encouraged!!!)

We have acquired a handful of Florida, LSU, Georgia, Texas, and USC posters who add a lot to the board, especially that Gatorubet guy who is still probably drinking his sorrows away. We hope at least one or two of you guys will stick around for the long term.

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Pretty good. What's something unusual about Oregon tradition, pageantry or fandom that we might not know about?

Not an Oregon fan, but I have it on good authority that every "true" Oregon fan is near bankruptcy trying to keep current with jersey's.
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jwinslow;1616562; said:
Pretty good. What's something unusual about Oregon tradition, pageantry or fandom that we might not know about?

well, Oregon football was invented in 1994 when Kenny Wheaton intercepted Damon Huard and returned it for a TD, sealing the win against Washington. The play is affectionately called "The Pick."

The Duck also leads the team out in the back of Harley motorcycle.
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Welcome to BP guys, Have to admit I have always been fond of the ducks, Simple fact you guys play USC (which I despise) and the fact that I honestly think the team has one of the coolest uniforms in the nation. Hope you enjoy your stay here and lets keep it clean.
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This should be a great game. An exciting and explosive offense in Oregon up against one of the best and most disciplined defenses in the country in Ohio State. I was rooting for Oregon hard against Oregon State simply because the Ducks make for a much more exciting match up, and a great challenge. Oregon has always been one of the "other" teams besides Ohio State that I rooted for. I couldn't really tell you why, but it probably has to do with the innovative offense and the fact that I like your state in general (very friendly people out there). To be honest, not a big fan of the alternate jerseys every game. I like the classic Oregon jerseys much better.

Go Bucks!
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Besides, I could not stomach the 'OSU vs OSU' had the Beavers won. It would have been too complicated for my poor brain to comprehend. When Brent Mushmouth would say, "OSU scores", or "OSU intercepts", I would have been cheering for every play, rather than for the Buckeyes.

On a more serious vein, I really wanted another shot at USC, not for my sakes, but for the team to atone for their loss, (which I'm sure they believe they shoulda won). However, this Rose Bowl match-up will be a good one between two top 10 teams. I've already got the Buckeyes and 14 points (rabid Duck!), so let the smack begin.......

Oregon has been pulling talent from Northern California (and Washington) for several years now. Had a great DT, and a RB that are both in the pros now. Anyone that we should know about??????

It'll be a great game, and let's hope no one gets hurt.

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osugrad21;1613171; said:
Welcome to BuckeyePlanet.

BP has had an excellent run of visiting fans for bowl games and other OOC big games. We are hoping that continues with some solid representatives of Oregon. We have the official game discussion thread here and we have our introduction thread here.

We make an effort to keep a higher level of discussion on this site. Defend your team, debate the stats, and absolutely tell us everything the casual fan does not know about Oregon...but let's have that discussion without the trashtalk.

Again, welcome to BP.

Very classy, my time on BP has been wonderful, and the absence of trashtalk is no complaint by me :biggrin: :osu:
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calibuck;1619505; said:
Besides, I could not stomach the 'OSU vs OSU' had the Beavers won. It would have been too complicated for my poor brain to comprehend. When Brent Mushmouth would say, "OSU scores", or "OSU intercepts", I would have been cheering for every play, rather than for the Buckeyes.

On a more serious vein, I really wanted another shot at USC, not for my sakes, but for the team to atone for their loss, (which I'm sure they believe they shoulda won). However, this Rose Bowl match-up will be a good one between two top 10 teams. I've already got the Buckeyes and 14 points (rabid Duck!), so let the smack begin.......

Oregon has been pulling talent from Northern California (and Washington) for several years now. Had a great DT, and a RB that are both in the pros now. Anyone that we should know about??????

It'll be a great game, and let's hope no one gets hurt.


You should know about the usuals Masoli and James. The one that has made quite a run at the end of the year is Jeff Maehl. He came to Oregon as a DB but we were so banged up at WR last year that he stepped in and did alright. He has had a great close to this season and is now our leading receiver. He is kind of a Wes Welker type, not afraid to go over the middle and generally gets a lot of YAC.

On the defensive side of the ball our two best DB's are out due to injury, which is at least part of the reason our pass defense has been so atrocious this season. We have an undersized d-line but they hold their own. Our middle linebacker, Casey Matthews, I think is highly underrated. He is a very solid tackler and always seems to be around the ball.
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calibuck;1619505; said:
Besides, I could not stomach the 'OSU vs OSU' had the Beavers won. It would have been too complicated for my poor brain to comprehend. When Brent Mushmouth would say, "OSU scores", or "OSU intercepts", I would have been cheering for every play, rather than for the Buckeyes.

On a more serious vein, I really wanted another shot at USC, not for my sakes, but for the team to atone for their loss, (which I'm sure they believe they shoulda won). However, this Rose Bowl match-up will be a good one between two top 10 teams. I've already got the Buckeyes and 14 points (rabid Duck!), so let the smack begin.......

Oregon has been pulling talent from Northern California (and Washington) for several years now. Had a great DT, and a RB that are both in the pros now. Anyone that we should know about??????

It'll be a great game, and let's hope no one gets hurt.


Excuse the language on this video, it was the only one I could find of the sort.

[ame="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OYgPyW-RQi4"]YouTube- Ohio State vs Usc- OSU gets Screwed![/ame]
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Abraham Moses;1624288; said:
The one that has made quite a run at the end of the year is Jeff Maehl. He came to Oregon as a DB but we were so banged up at WR last year that he stepped in and did alright. He has had a great close to this season and is now our leading receiver. He is kind of a Wes Welker type, not afraid to go over the middle and generally gets a lot of YAC.

Welker huh? Reminds me of Ricky Proehl. He has some Brandon Stokley in him too. And Ed McCaffrey.
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