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Thanks to all of you who stopped by and congrats on a great season! Your team certainly looks poised for another great season next year.

One of those games that really could have gone either way with a couple different bounces.

And knock the shit out of USC again next year! :cheers:
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muffler dragon;1627203; said:
I'll comment on this after the game.

Suffice it to say that I needn't say much with regard to the above post of mine. In short, oreducks77 is a minority part of the Ducks fandom. While I admit freely that I was in magnficent company this afternoon (outnumbered 6:1 Ducks to Bucks fan), this was a small snippet of this fanbase. I would imagine that you'll find massive sour grapes within the media after this on in Eugene and in the PNW. There are those who are stand up fans of this wonderful Ducks team, but they are truly few and far between. Hats off to oreducks77 and those that aren't the bandwaggoneers who follow ESPiN and other national media types with an arrogance and ignorance that up until this game were just too much.
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My husband and I watched this game at the Portland Ohio Alum watch location. It had been advertised on Duck radio as the place to be for Duck's fans so it was an awesome mix. We brought a Ducks fan with us that sat in the middle of a sea of Scarlet and Gray the whole game. There was a Duck fan that came into that sea after the win to shake hands with as many Bucks fans as he could. It was courteous, it was competitive, and it was classy all the way. Even the "bathroom gossip" was awesome with the Ducks girls I ran into. There are always a few "bad apples" but we just did not run in to many of them this night. Awesome game, great fight, Go Bucks!
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