As for the workout, your first set is the most beneficial so use a weight that makes you tired after 25-30 reps.
Not saying this is wrong, but there are a LOT of studies that indicate that the most beneficial set is your 2 or 3rd. Also, I would personally never recommend doing a set of 20-25 for most muscle groups.
There is a lot of science out there but different people respond differently to different things.
Personally I tend to agree with most of the advice that OSU Buck_guy has told you.
Another thing to consider it is very inefficent to try to add muscle and cut at the same time. I am not saying this is not possible but personally I would focus my efforts on one. Do that really well till you reach your goals then cut, and repeat till you are happy.
Just to reitterate some things that have been told to you
- Eat anywhere between .7-2 grams of protein per pound of lean body mass weight - (weight*BF%)
- Do a clean Bulk eat about 500-700 calories above maintence
- Do more sessions of lighter cardio as opposed to fewer sessions of higher intensity
- Do not eat more the 1/6 of you lean body mass of weight of protein in a sitting
- Include complex carbs with every protein meal
- Include Healthy fats in your diet (Avacodoe, Nuts, Fish Oil, Flax seed)
- Aim for a diet with a close macro break-down of 45% Protein , 30 % cARBS , 25 % Fat
- Avoid Alcohol as much as possible (Kills Protein Synthesis)
- Get most of your protein from whole foods not shakes
- Eat a slow digesting protein (casein) before bed (20-30 grams)
- Water, Water, Water,
- Qaulity Sleep every night
- Lift Heavy... Track your workouts and make sure you increase weight in some way (via reps or actual weight) everytime
- Don't overtrain