Just got back from my bank after cashing a few checks and catching myself doing something a little, I guess, "idiosyncratic". The two checks totaled $430, and I got the cash in two $100s, eleven $20s, and a $10. When I put the cash in my wallet, I lined then up back-to-front in decreasing order of value...the $100s in the back, then the $20s (plus the $20 I already had in there), and then the $10 behind the $5 and a couple $1s I had. Now, that may not be unusual at all, but I also lined the bills up by their versions, newest-to-oldest within themselves (the $20s mainly). The $20 I already had in my wallet was of the newest version (colored watermarkings), so I put in between the eleven $20s I got from the bank (five were newest versions and six were older non-watermark versions), so that everything was still lined up by version. Anyone else this anal about how their money is lined up in their wallet/purse?