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Visiting LSU fans: please read

Alright dropping by to say hey and good luck to the Buckeyes. Tigerdroppings is out of control, I will not be going back there, anyway I live a couple blocks from the Superdome and I cannot wait for the game, it should be a great one. I am also ready to party with a bunch of Ohio State Fans.................just something to remember if you come down hear "Hand Grenade"
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danny_d_lsu;1019708; said:
Alright dropping by to say hey and good luck to the Buckeyes. Tigerdroppings is out of control, I will not be going back there, anyway I live a couple blocks from the Superdome and I cannot wait for the game, it should be a great one. I am also ready to party with a bunch of Ohio State Fans.................just something to remember if you come down hear "Hand Grenade"
Thanks and have fun, danny
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danny_d_lsu;1019708; said:
Alright dropping by to say hey and good luck to the Buckeyes. Tigerdroppings is out of control, I will not be going back there, anyway I live a couple blocks from the Superdome and I cannot wait for the game, it should be a great one. I am also ready to party with a bunch of Ohio State Fans.................just something to remember if you come down hear "Hand Grenade"

We'll (including me) will see you down in Nawlins... welcome to BP, enjoy!
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Hi and Good luck from an LSU Tiger

jwinslow found me on TigerForums.com - LSU football - LSU sports - LSU Tigers - LSU message board. He said he was going to enter my wallpaper into your wallpaper contest. I am sure that it will not win, but I thought this may be a great opportunity to stop by and say Hi to the Buckeye Nation.

I respect your team and tradition and I just want to congratulate your team for making it to the big game. I am really excited because a few days ago I did not think it was possible for my team to get there. I am sure that some of you have similar feelings.

Good Luck and Enjoy yourselves in New Orleans to those of you lucky enough to score tickets.

GEAUX Tigers!
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Welcome aboard. We would like to get as many genuine, non-trolling, LSU fans as possible to chat about our big game. I think you'll find this site to be one of the best ones for actual conversation, debate (not plain ol' arguments), and analysis.
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JoeReckless;1020074; said:
jwinslow found me on TigerForums.com - LSU football - LSU sports - LSU Tigers - LSU message board. He said he was going to enter my wallpaper into your wallpaper contest. I am sure that it will not win, but I thought this may be a great opportunity to stop by and say Hi to the Buckeye Nation.

I respect your team and tradition and I just want to congratulate your team for making it to the big game. I am really excited because a few days ago I did not think it was possible for my team to get there. I am sure that some of you have similar feelings.

Good Luck and Enjoy yourselves in New Orleans to those of you lucky enough to score tickets.

GEAUX Tigers!

One more welcome...

And please don't take the merge of your thread personally. We have been moving all posts that come under the "Greetings from Louisiana" Heading into this thread. There have been many of them, as so many LSU fans have come here with their best Southern manners.

There have been other visitors from the South, but we sweep their messes "under the rug" and move along. We do whatever it takes to keep "The Planet" clean and organized.
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wanted to stop by and say good luck in the bcscg. LSU fans recognize the obstacle that is Ohio St. OSU is big, fast, and motivated.

i hope that in this tale of 2 seasons for the LSU defense that the team that played Va Tech shows up instead of the team that played Arkansas! seems like our respective strengths may cancel each other out.

i'm certainly looking forward to some good discussion and a great game. for LSU perspective i recommend TigerForums.Com
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LSUTigerDad;1020786; said:
Hello Buckeye fans. I have been an LSU fan since 1958. I know about tOSU and I respect your university, tradition, football team and fans. I am a college football fanatic. Looking forward to good discussion with you and a great game from our two great universities. :)
Welcome Tigerdad.
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JoeReckless;1020074; said:
jwinslow found me on TigerForums.com - LSU football - LSU sports - LSU Tigers - LSU message board. He said he was going to enter my wallpaper into your wallpaper contest. I am sure that it will not win, but I thought this may be a great opportunity to stop by and say Hi to the Buckeye Nation.

I respect your team and tradition and I just want to congratulate your team for making it to the big game. I am really excited because a few days ago I did not think it was possible for my team to get there. I am sure that some of you have similar feelings.

Good Luck and Enjoy yourselves in New Orleans to those of you lucky enough to score tickets.

GEAUX Tigers!

Welcome and nice work on that wallpaper! Don't worry, that tiger can be edited out.... :biggrin: greenies coming your way.
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LSUTigerDad;1020786; said:
Hello Buckeye fans. I have been an LSU fan since 1958. I know about tOSU and I respect your university, tradition, football team and fans. I am a college football fanatic. Looking forward to good discussion with you and a great game from our two great universities. :)

Awesome. Is this Dad from the OT?
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Just reading through, and I have been 100% impressed with the way LSU fans have conducted and introduced themselves. Ya'll :) are easily moving to the front of the pack as far as friendly fan interaction among new rivalries. Great to see, and great to have 'you guys' :wink2: here.

However, I question whether or not we can really assume that LSU fans are actually the best out there. I mean, the USC fans have really found themselves lately after enduring some embarrassing moments at home, and the Georgia fans have been streaking as well.

Ugh, sorry, it's getting late....:tongue2:
Looking forward to a great game, and keep it up LSU fans!
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schwab;1021287; said:
Just reading through, and I have been 100% impressed with the way LSU fans have conducted and introduced themselves. Ya'll :) are easily moving to the front of the pack as far as friendly fan interaction among new rivalries. Great to see, and great to have 'you guys' :wink2: here.

However, I question whether or not we can really assume that LSU fans are actually the best out there. I mean, the USC fans have really found themselves lately after enduring some embarrassing moments at home, and the Georgia fans have been streaking as well.

Ugh, sorry, it's getting late....:tongue2:
Looking forward to a great game, and keep it up LSU fans!

Simma Down Now!!! Good way to rile an LSU fan up is to bring up USC :biggrin:
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