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Visiting LSU fans: please read

Was just over at Tigerdroppings and noticed that some of your fellow LSU fans are already designing your 2007 BCS Champion shirts. Any thoughts about that? There are a few thousand of us here that can let you know how painful overconfidence can be.

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NastyDogg72;1019021; said:
Was just over at Tigerdroppings and noticed that some of your fellow LSU fans are already designing your 2007 BCS Champion shirts. Any thoughts about that? There are a few thousand of us here that can let you know how painful overconfidence can be.

That is the definiton of a "smack" site. I rarely venture that direction. Allthough, I think the undefeated(in regulation) line tells me they're joking around a bit.
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LSU fan here

first of congrats to THE Ohio State Buckeyes for once again proving that they are above and beyond the rest of the Big 10. I know you slipped up vs. Illinois but hey to quote white men cant jump "the sun shines on a dogs ass sometimes"

I used to live in Texas and there are quite a few Buckeye fans living there, and all were very cordial and very proud of their traditions. I was even given a buckeye for good luck once by one them.

To sum it up, i hope you guys have a great time in New Orleans, and make sure to spend alot of money down there, the city needs it. Here is to an injury free game, a really good game, and may the best team come out victorious!!

Until we can get a playoff i think the best 2 teams will be playing on December 7th, and i cant wait.

Good Luck!!!
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LaSalleAve;1019214; said:
first of congrats to THE Ohio State Buckeyes for once again proving that they are above and beyond the rest of the Big 10. I know you slipped up vs. Illinois but hey to quote white men cant jump "the sun shines on a dogs ass sometimes"

I used to live in Texas and there are quite a few Buckeye fans living there, and all were very cordial and very proud of their traditions. I was even given a buckeye for good luck once by one them.

To sum it up, i hope you guys have a great time in New Orleans, and make sure to spend alot of money down there, the city needs it. Here is to an injury free game, a really good game, and may the best team come out victorious!!

Until we can get a playoff i think the best 2 teams will be playing on December 7th, and i cant wait.

Good Luck!!!
Sweet... the game will be here much quicker than I thought! :biggrin:

Welcome to BuckeyePlanet and enjoy your time here!
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I love that LSU championship t-shirt design, especially with "Head Coach!!!!" on the back. :lol:

If Auburn beats Clemson, I hope their Peach Bowl victory tees have "BOOM Motherfucker! Yeah!!!!" on them somewhere.
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LaSalleAve;1019214; said:
To sum it up, i hope you guys have a great time in New Orleans, and make sure to spend alot of money down there, the city needs it.

NOLA is very lucky that OSU made the title game, because no group of fans travel and spend like OSU fans (just ask the Fiesta Bowl)...
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MililaniBuckeye;1019250; said:
NOLA is very lucky that OSU made the title game, because no group of fans travel and spend like OSU fans (just ask the Fiesta Bowl)...

I dunno man, those crazy Hawaii Rainbow Warriors fans are freakin' everywhere! Shit, they might still be around when we play our game!
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MililaniBuckeye;1019250; said:
NOLA is very lucky that OSU made the title game, because no group of fans travel and spend like OSU fans (just ask the Fiesta Bowl)...

Ya got good fans - but a lot of you are just looking for an excuse to get the hell out of the cold and come south.:biggrin:
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