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vBook: Which Frosh will Play?

Oh8ch said:
Obviously the 810 to 1 was a typo. vBook wont let me adjust the odds after bets have been made, so I can't fix it. I also know I would get crucified if I cancelled the bet altogether. So, I made one other minor adjustment.
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It appears that significant vMoney has been placed on a name that has been changed to no longer qualify as an "Incoming Frosh".

I think we have a vMess and a vQuandary.
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BB73 said:
It appears that significant vMoney has been placed on a name that has been changed to no longer qualify as an "Incoming Frosh".

I think we have a vMess and a vQuandary.
That's a load of vHorse crap...Those of us who bet before the name change should get a vRefund. Dirty vHookers. :wink:
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