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2025 UT WR Jerome Myles(Verbal Offer)

Per Rivals poster:

Wild prospect. Huge for a HS WR, 6'3", 215, and super fast (state 100 and 200 champ; 247 says he ran a 10.36 100 this spring!). The 247 write-up is glowing, compares him to Rome Odunze.

Mixed bag as far as rankings go, 247 has him as a 5-star, the fifth best WR in the country. Rivals has him as the 58th best WR. Predictions in for Utah and Ole Miss. Has made officials to those two and Texas A&M (and scheduled to visit Michigan this weekend).
Visiting scUM this weekend
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I don't think Bell or Bowman are going to be in the fold, so I like this pursuit. Ton of potential on this one, but we'll have to gauge what the interest level is on his end.
We’re allegedly in his top three with Utah and aTm. I think those are the others. Utah for sure. Has to be weird for ttun for that information to come out on the eve of his visit to their campus lol I’d like few things more than to steal yet another recruit from under their nose.
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I don't think Bell or Bowman are going to be in the fold, so I like this pursuit. Ton of potential on this one, but we'll have to gauge what the interest level is on his end.
I think OSU is actually in a good spot with Bell, probably not so much with Bowman. Taking 5 WRs was always an option in '25 after landing Miller. It seems like Myles just replaced Moore/Brown/Ffrench's positions.
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