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Brawndo's got electrolytes...
Hey guys, any thoughts on buying a used laser? There are some IBM's out there refurbished for around 200$.

<O:pI print about 200+ pages a day and batch up to 100 at a time. It takes forever on an ink jet and the cartages get used up quick. I think I want to go to a Laser but do not want to spend too much.

Any huge drawbacks or things I should be wary of with a used printer? Helpful hints?<O:p</O:p
I just picked up a black laser printer, refurb for $50. In fact there are a ton of them for around that price now. Dell has one as well. The one I got is the Konika Minolta 1350w. They have a color one as well for around $200, and one of the guys I used to work with has it. Works really well.

In other words, nothing wrong with a used laser. The toner is really expensive, only drawback.
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Those are amazingly low prices for printers, thanks for that.

2 questions

If it were you, would you buy a used or go with a new?

I run 95% B&W. There is a copier/printer business in my complex. Would you buy B&W and use the printer for color, or just buy a color printer.
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I would do the B&W laser, not only because of the printer cost itself, but you dont have to buy 4 different toner cartridges like you do with color.

There is absolutely nothing wrong with a refurb printer. Just means there was something wrong with it, it was fixed and resold good as new. Now a "used" one, I am not so sure about, but I cant say that I would never buy one.
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opportune thread... I've bought at least 4 Dell printers... with great success.. until my latest... lasted 16 mths.. and the paper feed went berserk... and they told me to buy a new one... not happy

I looked at Dell refurbs.. and a number of them stated they were in the refurb bin because they needed the blank ink cartridge replaced.. on the flip side, despite most Dells actually being Lexmarks private labeled.. you often have to buy your cartidges thru Dell.. at inflated prices... especially the latest models

I'm looking at other brands for the first time in 15 years... HP looks interesting and good reviews... wonder who makes IBMs??

I need the all-in-one with standalone fax feature... printers are the equivalent of speakers.. a great audio sys is only as good as the speakers...

thanks exhawg for reminding me about tiger... I forgot about them...
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despite most Dells actually being Lexmarks private labeled

This is a very good point, and is another example in the long list of reasons why I hate Dell. Take the cheapest, crappy components they can get, and stick their own name on it, and sell it like it's quality.

And yes, Lexmark is total crap.

I really like this Konika, excellent performance, super fast printing, and it's real compact, hardly takes up any space.
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Shit that's cheep. Does that come with toner? It usually costs that much for a new cartridge. I was surprised that my printer came with a cartridge.

Replacement Cartridges:
Starter: yields up to 1,500 pages (letter/A4) at 5% coverage
Standard Replacement: yields up to 3,000 pages (letter/A4) at 5% coverage
High-Capacity Replacement: yields up to 6,000 pages (letter/A4) at 5% coverage
OPC Drum OPC drum cartridge yields up to 20,000 pages (letter/A4) at 5% coverage.

By saying there is a starter it sure looks like it comes with one to me. Hell, I pay that for my B&W ink jet cartridge.
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