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USC Trojans (official thread)

Legit might be a budget issue.
Everyone knows SC is broke or “broke-ish”

Not sure it makes a ton of sense for them to travel until they get some more of that sweet, sweet B1G cash flowing in
I really wonder how this move will impact their other sports besides football.

Having to travel across the country for half the season in football is one thing, but I am curious to see how things are structured for sports like basketball, baseball etc.
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Legit might be a budget issue.
Everyone knows SC is broke or “broke-ish”

Not sure it makes a ton of sense for them to travel until they get some more of that sweet, sweet B1G cash flowing in
I think fans always assume one school is afraid of another school and that's why games get cancelled.......as if money isn't what drives literally everything. I would bet at least 99% of all games that get cancelled are money related.
I think fans always assume one school is afraid of another school and that's why games get cancelled.......as if money isn't what drives literally everything. I would bet at least 99% of all games that get cancelled are money related.
While I agree with your point on a general basis, Lincoln Riley is a proven open vagina sore.
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