I am a vetern of Desert Storm.I come from a long line of war time vets.
You dishonor those brave dead with your attitude.
They certainly did not die in vain. Thousands are safer today and their future is safer as well. That includes Iraqis as well as Americans.
Your view of the world is short sighted. Bury your head and hope things go away.
George Bush took a real political risk in this undertaking. He did it because it was the decent thing to do. Unlike Clinton, he met this challenge head on and acted like a leader that cares about the safety of the American people and even the world.
I am a vetern of Desert Storm.I come from a long line of war time vets.
You dishonor those brave dead with your attitude.
They certainly did not die in vain. Thousands are safer today and their future is safer as well. That includes Iraqis as well as Americans.
Your view of the world is short sighted. Bury your head and hope things go away.
George Bush took a real political risk in this undertaking. He did it because it was the decent thing to do. Unlike Clinton, he met this challenge head on and acted like a leader that cares about the safety of the American people and even the world.