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Urban F. Meyer (Former OSU, CFB and NFL coach)

What conference was MSU in? It wasn't a regular season game. It was a conference game, technically, literally, absolutely, totally, completely, or any other adverb you might choose to apply.
It's not a "conference game" in the sense it's not a game pre-scheduled for two specific conference teams. Tall teams play nine hard-scheduled games against conference opponents in the regular season, which are counted as "conference games". The winners of each division then play essentially an in-conference bowl game.
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OK, all you that have a PhD in Body Language have me at a disadvantage. I don't have a degree in reading people by watching new clips.

While I agree something is up, I try to look for the simplest explanation because all other things being equal, it usually is the correct explanation. (Occam's Razor for those with a science background)

For example, if Urban is retiring for because of the pain from his cyst, why coach even 1 year. If you are in the type of pain that you feel you need to leave your dream job, the only reason you would say 1 more year and then I am done, is money. Urban won't have money problems if he stays or goes. If Urban is coaching in 2019, the simple explanation is I want to see if I can explore new treatments or manage my condition better so I can go out on my terms and timeline.

Then there is the fact this story was released by Football Scoops via twitter. Now I know some of you are saying that it is amazing how accurate news organizations that have no direct affiliations with OSU football (such as Brent McDipshit) have been all year. But it bothers me that the source for this is someone second hand information at best.

As far as Shelly Meyer, you can either believe that she was overcome with emotion because after beating Michigan she only had 1 more year go. Or after what may have been the most difficult year of being a coaches wife (her last year in Florida may have been worse), she saw he husband's team do the one thing that matter most to him on the field, beat his rival. And in doing so all the frustration, anxiety of this season and the joy of that moment came to the surface. You chose what you believe.

To me the simplest explanation is Urban Meyer is the coach at Ohio State and he wants to remain the coach. Because there are questions as to how long Urban will want to remain coach, OSU is signing Ryan Day to a new contract that will provide a succession plan for when Urban decides to step down.

Why would Ryan Day do this. Consider the following

What job can he take this year is a job you can't turn down?

If a "can't turn down" job does open he can go for it when it does.

If he decides to stay until Urban leaves, he inherits a Top 5 program and Urban's machine

He will be paid lots of money

The good news is we won't have to wait long to find out who is right


I mean I can see some logic here but come on, there is a Twitter report.

It's on TWITTER.

Maybe if Twitter wasn't so reliable I could see it your way but after a while you just have to look at the track record of news stories broken on Twitter and make a decision.
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Just fed my cat some rat poison. When it quits writhing I will slit it open with an exacto knife and remove its entrails.

Should have a reliable answer on Urban's future in about an hour.

If that fails I will throw some beans on the floor and do a little flavomancy. (Wish I had thought of that first, would have been a lot easier on the cat.)

Please be careful. I hear this stuff can be very dangerous.

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For recruiting purposes, "No comment" is not a particularly strong response to the question of whether 2019 is his last year.

tOSU will ALWAYS get great recruits, but a recruit on the fence between great programs is likely to hear Kirby or Dabo or Nick answer that question more forcefully with something like "I'm the coach here. I'll be the coach here until you hear otherwise from me or the school. People can write whatever they want, whenever they want..... next."

Answers to questions like that matter. I'm in TN and watched bumbling and weak answers come from Knoxville for months. Any recruits that asked me about TN got a less than positive shrug..... "I dunno. Something's not right."

Let's face it, tOSU would be a good place for any recruit to go even if my 89yo Aunt was coaching, but answers to questions like that matter. Put yourself in a recruit's shoes: they just essentially asked coach if he's coming back beyond 2019 and he DIDN'T say Yes. The kid's not getting good advice if that answer isn't noted and discussed.
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For recruiting purposes, "No comment" is not a particularly strong response to the question of whether 2019 is his last year.

tOSU will ALWAYS get great recruits, but a recruit on the fence between great programs is likely to hear Kirby or Dabo or Nick answer that question more forcefully with something like "I'm the coach here. I'll be the coach here until you hear otherwise from me or the school. People can write whatever they want, whenever they want..... next."

Answers to questions like that matter. I'm in TN and watched bumbling and weak answers come from Knoxville for months. Any recruits that asked me about TN got a less than positive shrug..... "I dunno. Something's not right."

Let's face it, tOSU would be a good place for any recruit to go even if my 89yo Aunt was coaching, but answers to questions like that matter. Put yourself in a recruit's shoes: they just essentially asked coach if he's coming back beyond 2019 and he DIDN'T say Yes. The kid's not getting good advice if that answer isn't noted and discussed.

People are going to spin whatever he says however they want to fit their agenda.

All he can do is make sure the parents and recruits know the truth
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Just fed my cat some rat poison. When it quits writhing I will slit it open with an exacto knife and remove its entrails.

Should have a reliable answer on Urban's future in about an hour.

If that fails I will throw some beans on the floor and do a little flavomancy. (Wish I had thought of that first, would have been a lot easier on the cat.)

Already got someone in scarlet and gray on it. No worries...

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Just fed my cat some rat poison. When it quits writhing I will slit it open with an exacto knife and remove its entrails.

Should have a reliable answer on Urban's future in about an hour.

If that fails I will throw some beans on the floor and do a little flavomancy. (Wish I had thought of that first, would have been a lot easier on the cat.)
Not to be a dick, but who cares about a cat?
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The speculation here is rather surprising. I am not a medical doctor but I do have access to the internet and I can read scholarly medical journals. Here is my understanding...
  • Most arachnoid cysts are .
  • An arachnoid cyst is not a growth. It is not a spreading thing, as would be the case with a cancerous brain cyst, and it is not even in the brain.
  • It is a fluid-filled sac outside the brain. Essentially, it is a space in the membrane surrounding the brain into which fluid from the spine and cerebrum collects abnormally.
  • Arachnoid cysts can disappear over time. Studies appear to show that about 1 in 5 or 6 do after the surgery that Urban Meyer had, as I understand it, over ten years afterwards.
  • Symptoms include headaches, loss of balance, tingling in the arms and legs, muscle spasm and weakness, lethargy, nausea and vomiting and other side effects. Not all arachnoid cysts are the same and these symptoms differ by location. Depending on location, sensitivity to light may well be a side effect of the arachnoid cyst or medication.
  • Over time, arachnoid cysts can grow in size due to fluid accumulation, and may decrease in size as well.
  • When the fluid in the arachnoid cyst grows too much it creates the symptoms by putting pressure on the brain. Pressure can be reduced by surgically draining the sac, internally, and inserting a shunt to allow the sac to drain into other areas (e.g., the abdomen), where it can be absorbed and eliminated by the body in the normal course.
  • When possible, conservative treatment is recommended for the arachnoid cyst patient, as appears to be the case for Urban Meyer.

My reading is that he took a great blow when these false articles about him arose this year and throughout the saga thereafter. I think this caused him to respond not only emotionally but physically, as we all do in times of stress. To then come back to a team that should have challenged Alabama for the NC, and see the crapshow on defense only increased the need for intense concentration and emotional response that made things worse.

Anyone subjected to the intense scrutiny that he has been would respond to questions as he did. Geez, if what happened to him the last time he responded about a twitter rumor had happened to you, how would you respond to such a question. You want to give an answer, but you know that you cannot.

I am not a doctor or qualified in any way to make a medical pronouncement, but Shelley Meyer's comments about the headaches being under control the last two weeks, and his comments in preceding weeks that things were under control and improving, are consistent with the notion that Urban Meyer is well on the way to being himself again.

Here is the empirical evidence. If you look at press conferences of Urban Meyer at the height of this year's problem, he could not look into bright light at all and constantly rubbed his temple and head to relieve headache pain. If you watch him the last two weeks, you will see that that behavior is almost absent. He looks into bright lights normally. He does not really rub his head. I expect that he will get to the Rose Bowl and be his normal self.

Does he keep going? I don't know. He doesn't need the money. However, he is in his dream job.

All of this speculation simply fuels speculation that is intended to generate internet traffic. It does nothing but accomplish what that hack set out to do at the beginning of the season, cause recruits to look elsewhere and create instability. I wish it would stop.
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