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(unofficial) Rose Bowl thread - USC vs. Texas (merged)

I'm still having a hard time getting a cement feel for this game. I think Texas will move the ball on USC, and vice versa. I think the key to this game lies on the Texas defensive line. If they get to Leinart early and often this game will not be as close as many think. If Leinart has time to throw, I think it's a long night for the Horns.
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How the fuck can any reputable network send Keith Jackson to announce a game like this. Yeah, considering how he did in January 2003, I wonder how many names this drunk bastard is going to foul up.

Oh, great Fouts. "Bad call....baaaaaaaaaad call"
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How the fuck can any reputable network send Keith Jackson to announce a game like this. Yeah, considering how he did in January 2003, I wonder how many names this drunk bastard is going to foul up.

Oh, great Fouts. "Bad call....baaaaaaaaaad call"
Woah Nellie!!

Personally I have very good memories of Keith Jackson calling games when the Buckeyes were not playing ..

But, after last nights AARP coaching exhibition I'm ready for new blood behind the mike.

And Hook 'Em Horns
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